
Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by teddiber, Oct 25, 2014.

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  1. teddiber

    teddiber Forum Greenhorn

    Hi Staff & Supporter's -.-,

    I have a very strong argument about taking notice that there is, 'no search box', at the farmer's market place, for when, I am looking for a specific item/object*. It can ensure my searches more effectively and efficiently to any individual's need/want to extract item/object or information wisely.

    I need or await your feedback from the creator's, supportive ingenuity (graphics, design, storyline, fabs, financial aid (coins/Barn Bills/etc.)) and it's Staff of FARMERAMA.

    Thank you (every-one)
    -teddiber [ID: 51717626]
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014
  2. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Hi teddiber!

    (Very interesting user name by the way ~ are you a big fan of our team leader teddy.bear?)

    I'm CJ and I've played Farmerama for the last 4 years. Usually the higher-up (developers/creators and even moderators) don't reply here as it is a place for farmers to make suggestions for ideas of changes we would like to see made to the game. I am not a mod or higher-up of any sort, but I've been around a while, so perhaps I can help?

    First, let's see if I understand you... I think you are saying that you are looking for a way to search the market. While, you are right there is not a way to type and search the market, however there is a way to re-sort what you see on the market by name.

    You click the little triangle (circled in red below) and choose "alphabetically" instead of "by level" This will sort your market orders alphabetically and make them easier to find. That should help you when searching for specific items.

    Below is an example of sorting by level and another when sorted alphabetically...

    If you still would like to see a search box for the market, this is definitely the right place to post that! :D

    I do hope I understood you correctly. I was a bit confused when you said "objective. I think you meant to say "object" instead. If not than my answer is way off base, as perhaps you were making a comment about the farmer's society quests or the farmer society (previously called farm house) farm orders? :eek:
    Arielh and CaliChrome like this.
  3. teddiber

    teddiber Forum Greenhorn

    Greetings to CJ,

    About our team leader: teddy-bear, was just a coincidence.

    About the way to sort by a click of the arrow either alphabetically or by level, I have noticed it beforehand. You are correct with the typo. I edited it for the say of understanding my message.

    Much gratitude for all you have shown about the game and your game background.

    -cheers -teddiber [ID: 51717626]
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2014