Just collect 4 times Arcade Cabinet - nothing in the Barn!?

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by anki74, May 15, 2024.

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  1. anki74

    anki74 Junior Expert

    Where those goes NOW(in the same way, collecting/activating have come just right BARN so far throughout the event, now when the need was the greatest they disappeared into "byte space" !?!?)

    Of course, those 4 pieces would have been enough for me to make 2 Super Pig Figures, so there would be 5 of them and that would be enough CR

    Now those are MISSED, and only 3 Super Pig Figures in Barn and 5 needed to get enough points to CR.

    Help me, please my ID is: 17950754
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello anki74,

    I can not see how many Pixel Hearts you had in inventory previously. I can see you have 4 x Super Pig Figurines in your inventory.

    Can I assist you further?
  3. anki74

    anki74 Junior Expert

    That 4 SPF is RIGHT, I´m 100% sure, that I have ZERO but HARVEST --> could be 4 Pixel Hearts so...

    Event is ending, I calculate i CAN still GET that CR
    but not two last prizes and levels complete. My calculator "says" 12000x5 = 60000 and if use all other "goodies" get 17000++ points, under 4000 goes to CR-level (60000+1xPH is over 64000), so 13000 is left so I can get also lvl-11 but it´s so-and-so if plants now in fields and rest of the "things" is enough to get lvl-12 too. We can see. SAD but I missed those 4 Pixelhearts!
  4. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I can see you started 1 Paradise Comics and you have 1 milled food. You also have 2 Pixel hearts in your inventory. If you need another Super Pig, you still have time before the event ends that you can start the Paradise Comic to make a Super Pig.

    It takes 2 Pixel Hearts, along with a Superhero cape to start the Paradise Comics. It seems likely that you used 2 of the 4 to start the Paradise Comics and have 2 remaining.

    As shooger.sweet stated, we cannot see previous inventories or previous harvests.

    We wish you all the best as you work towards your event goals before the event ends.

    May I assist you further?
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