King of the Hill

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by epicamazing101, Aug 31, 2014.

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  1. epicamazing101

    epicamazing101 Forum Apprentice

    Well, the Games section of the old forum has been omitted, but nevertheless I think I'd like to have one or two games on the new forum, and so I have picked one of my favourites from the old forum to add in the Gabfest. I'm pretty sure this is the right place to add it, but if it's not then a) sorry moderators! and b) please move it to the correct place!

    Note: as per the new Forum Rules:
    I'm pretty sure this doesn't come under that category, that seems to apply to mindless/3-word-per-post games. This game, as I'm sure you'll agree, requires a little more creativity and fun.

    So...... on with the game!

    For those who do not know how to play, it is pretty easy.
    There is a hill. It is your quest to become the KING (or QUEEN) of the HILL. Only one person may rule at any one time (no teaming/hill-hogging please!) and to make the hill yours you need simply to get the other person off the hill and take it over. Be creative, be amusing, and be worthy of ruling the HILL!


    I look at the hill and think it would be nice to own. I climb up and place my strawberry-embossed flag on top.


    I then take out my scones with cream and jam and have a picnic. I notice the jam is sticky and would make a very good anti-intruder device. I spread it all around the top of the hill as a barrier so anyone who tries to climb the hill gets stuck. Hehe.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I see on the hill a tasty picnic and think that I should rule the hill and eat the picnic. I notice that I can't climb up because of something red on the top of the hill. Then I call out for help my friend the eagle and takes me to his wings and we fly together on the top. I see there is someone there and my eagle takes her somewhere far away. I put out hers strawberry-embossed flag and place my own flag. Afterthat I eat the picnic and in the meantime my eagle returns and stays with me so he will warn me if someone else try to climb the hill.
  3. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    AHA!! I see ahead the perfect hill on which to set up my telescope for observing the Lunar eclipse! Finally..... after that looong trek through the wilderness from the seashore where I started!
    But....what's THIS?? There is a PERSON on top of this perfect hill??? Surrounded by...what?...oh, yes...Jam!! And an eagle??!
    Oh, no....this won't do! Time is running out and the eclipse is tonight!
    I whip out my trusty binoculars and peer quickly at this dilemma. Yes!...I see that she is through with her picnic...good!...So I release my specially trained Army of Picnic Ants, and call to my Faithful Follower - a Female eagle...
    Instructions are given: to my Faithful Follower to fly close to the Hilltop and draw off that Watcheagle far away for an afternoon of fun and flight.
    To my Picnic Ants: they must take the Hill, then carry the person off to the seashore far away. Hopefully this person likes the seashore and will enjoy the water so much that she will forget all about the Hill, since she had finished her picnic up there anyway. (After all, I wish no harm to anyone else...only good things.)
    When the Ants heard that their reward will be to consume all that yummy Jam, a shout of joy and bravado went up...and off they charged to conquer the Hill!
    So, at last, I stand here....ON TOP OF MYMYMY M-M-M-MY HILL.....just in time to watch the Lunar eclipse...and - guarded by my returned Faithful Follower and Army of Picnic Ants - retire to my luxuriously equipped camping tent for a dinner of....scones with cream and jam!
    :D:D:D:music:;) Welllll...whooo said Ants get to have all the fun?! 8)
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2014
    Arielh likes this.
  4. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello epicamazing101 :(

    I am really, really sorry, but as explained in the posts you have quoted, the Games section has been removed, so there will be no more Forum games allowed. My mistake for pointing the finger at two of them in particular, and I am sorry for leaving room for misunderstanding - but the thread will now be closed. I apologise, even if the game is more creative, it is still a game and we cannot make one exception and then reject others. Therefore, the thread will be closed. :(

    I hope you will have a lot of fun on the new Forum and enjoy the other sections.
    ~ Closing thread as explained above ~
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