learn and grow

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by jesterruler1, Mar 18, 2017.

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  1. jesterruler1

    jesterruler1 Active Author

    Ok so we had a quest called learn and grow back in November 2016 I thought back when the event was going on they said something along the lines that they will do it again. I could be wrong about that. It was almost 4 months now and was curious are we ever really going to see that again you know maybe with in the next month or 2. I think it would be crazy for every 6 months to have it or even longer. Grant it they plan ahead of time most event on what they do and all. I know I enjoyed that event.
    Could even make permanent events out of it even and the crops can't be bought and stuff. It really was a fun event . Even footing for every one and those who bought the cloud row and items got a little something extra. It help unlock all of the squares. It was a good thing for charity. I would love to see this event come around again at lease a different version of it or something. I think it should not be pushed off and just forgotten.
    joanc123, harry011975 and 12ss12 like this.
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I have a intuition that we may have them in near future but not sure. Farmerama won't let a space go unused for a long time, wil it ?;)
    joanc123 and harry011975 like this.
  3. jesterruler1

    jesterruler1 Active Author

    Are you a mod 12ss12?
    Obviously we got a new quest on that field now called Little Helpers 2017 which has nothing to do with the origial quest or the unlocks And all our progress from that quest has been erased and no wheres around and have to do it all again. It not even that which is just wrong. And for those who had bought the items Tree of knolegde and Minds In Bloom when it came out was suppose to give gravel and dung for that field. I could of read into it wrong but when it came out I thought it said for future events to. Kinda of like the golden banna ep item you had for a short while.
    If I would have know then that it would of counted for future quest I would not have bought it in the first place. I really feel like I wasted my hard eraned money on those items. Its really not about the money its about the principles of that item should have been in more quest then just one for real cash.
    For example if those who bought the golden banna ep item and it only gave golden bannas for a short period of time the would be really upset in the matter same applys here

    On a different note I do wish that they come back out with that golden banana ep item again. Plesse! Please!! Please!!!
  4. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    As far as I've understood from your suggestion you want a similar event to the Learn & Grow Malalah Charity Event?
    - There as you pointed out a somewhat similar event going on right now, and from the rumours in the grapevine, more are down the pipeline. I agree on the educational part was a bit fun, I learned something new. And I like that.

    You wanted the new event to build upon the progress we had from Learn & Grow ? Especially further use of the gravel tree.
    - from the FAQ: *After the Event, the Tree of Knowledge and Minds In Bloom will hand out EP/TEP only., So I don't thik that's being realistic. Me for one is a bit against a progress in a game, depending on spending actually money. So I don't want a new gravel tree, and I don't see the original being used in an event again. It was stated clear in the FAQ that after the event all dispensers and the tree would become decorations, so if you feel cheated somewhat I hope you posted in the feedback. I don't see this suggestion being realistic, and not sure I'm too fond of the idea either.

    BP do charity once a year, so if it is charity events you want I'm sure they will bring it on this year as well, somewhere around October - December.

    Agree on some parts of the suggestion, disagree on others.