List items by EV

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by squigglegiggle, Mar 31, 2019.

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  1. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    One thing that becomes particularly obvious during events like San Gigantica express, Trans-Seedlantic Express and G&T is the difficulty in finding items of a particular value.

    For example, during the current Farm Express event, we need to donate 626 EV worth of stables. Many of us want to go as little over 626 as possible, in order not to waste EV, and to get the most out of our stables. It would be really useful if we could sort our inventory by EV, so that if we're looking for a stable in a particular EV range - say, if we have 50 more EV to reach the target - we can easily find the stables that meet that criteria, rather than having to scroll through the whole inventory to find one or to even see if we have one at all.

    Even if this weren't an option for the regular inventory, it would be really helpful for events where the EV of trees and stables is of significance.
  2. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    We can already do this. ;)You can sort your stable inventory by "Value" and when you are in the donation window of the train, you will see them sorted lowest to highest value to turn in.
    Sue46 and Sister3 like this.
  3. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Oh...never mind me then :D
    Sue46, Sister3 and farmerumf like this.
  4. Sister3

    Sister3 Regular

    Glad you found this information squiggles, helps many of us on that value issue:):music:
    Thanks to puppiesnponies:D