Lost City of Aquanautica

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by *WisdomTree*, May 16, 2023.

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  1. *WisdomTree*

    *WisdomTree* Exceptional Talent


    For such events I mostly prefer up to the cloud row. Because I think the rewards after the cloud row are not worth the extra resources I will spend. It is imperative that you spend extra resources if you want to complete the progression line.

    There are two event crops.
    The thing is, which event crop will you start with?

    ...Start with:
    Bottle Bamboo
    Bahamarama Plantation
    Time: 8 hours
    Start with:
    Compass rose
    Bahamarama Plantation
    Time: 4 hours
    Up to the Cloud Row7,040 x Bottle Bamboo
    820 x Flippers
    13,510 x Compass Roses
    820 x Flippers
    Completely7,040 x Bottle Bamboo
    13,510 x Compass Roses
    1,750 x Flippers
    13,510 x Compass Roses
    7,040 x Bottle Bamboo
    1,750 x Flippers
    Drop: Flippers (Bahamarama Plantation crops and trees)
    With Tiki Timer + Essence of Wisdom + Healing Ointment + White Innocence + Fruit Cake + Water + Manure + Super Grow
    Lablab-Bean 02:24 hours
    Last edited: May 16, 2023
  2. Flower

    Flower Regular

    Thanks, *WisdomTree*, not only for crunching the numbers for this event, but also for all the tips you generously have been giving for all events! :)

    I'll be doing only the first part of this event using the 8 hs plant: maybe it'll be better for drops ;)

    Good event for all those participating!
  3. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you WisdomTree for the time you always give to helping us all with these events! I hope you know you are much appreciated!:inlove:
    I will start with 8hr crops as I will use Cac, water, manure and (Green water, for 8hr crops) fruit cake, and white innocence and then switch to 4 hours as I am planning on doing the whole event ONCE! Good luck everyone and May the drops be with us!xD
    MARLYMAR and ç.çiftçi like this.
  4. ctindaldavies

    ctindaldavies Forum Baron

    Thanks Wisdom Tree. Although its a great when we have a Baha event, and can grow some normal farm crops etc, the drops on this event are always dismal. No matter what I do I barely reach the drops for the half way mark by the end. Any tips anyone? I have 3 Howies, full trophy runes. Probably time is my biggest enemy. Wisdom tree, I dont know why but have never thought to run the SG and boosts with the lablab bean - thank you.
  5. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Forum Great Master

    yesterday was a very busy day for me, unfortunately I could not spend some of the money in the viking game, I missed it and now I started preparing for this event, I planted a cactus, it will be a big problem for me I guess, good luck to everyone.
    MARLYMAR and sanddollar15 like this.
  6. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    Always go with the longest crop first, you always get more drops out of them. Overnight do use the comfort fields if you have the super grow to cut down harvest time, you can use your SSG too as they offer a bonus on comfort fields too. At least you'll be sure to get 41 drops from them (don't forget to set the first 2x2 in the upper corner to lay down 1 more 2x2 field). I don't leave my howies on the field, I harvest by hand the number of 1x1 plots needed to put them down, use the harvester, erase them from the field, lay down the 1x1, sow and redo the same thing.

    Unless I get some huge bonus on the wheel, I don't waste SG on the event crops, I wait to have the required numbers and then I'll nuke a high time baha crop for drops. It's a better use of the 188 SG in my opinion.

    Do not forget to stock up the mill for the event crop to raise those city maps for the next step (if you're crazy enough to atempt it of course)!
    Last edited: May 17, 2023
  7. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Padavan

    I'm not farming at all...travelling. Don't send drops to my farms.

    Good luck to all who choose to participate!
    spotsbox, MARLYMAR and Sue46 like this.
  8. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Commissioner

    Thank you. :)
    spotsbox and MARLYMAR like this.
  9. sedomances

    sedomances Someday Author

    Where can I get Tiki Timer? I could not see in the market or anywhere else.
    MARLYMAR likes this.
  10. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    You can get it as a gift from someone. There is a cloud row from some event which gives them and Carousel Music Box gives them also. So those who get them, usually have more than enough. Tiki Timer is nice bonus, it does not require a slot.
    spotsbox, sanddollar15 and MARLYMAR like this.
  11. mika-1986

    mika-1986 Advanced

    I put you a Tiki timer, hope you get a present? :)
  12. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Forum Great Master

    I don't have a Tiki timer transmitter unfortunately, but I do have thoughtful and generous neighbors and once again I'd like to thank them very much. I think giving it as event reward again will fix the problem.
  13. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    i knew the drop rate of flippers is poor from the start i did not get as many as i hoped harvesting Ixora 24 hour Crop :wuerg:

    also those growing Lablab Beans there is also two CR that makes your SG 5% more Effective ;)

    I just try my best get the CR anything else just a Bonus if possible :oops::oops::(

    Those who need Tiki Timers please free to IGM to Ajjg1966 i send you Tiki timers as i got loads of them ;)
    dumbunny, spotsbox and MARLYMAR like this.
  14. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I can also send Tiki Timers. Please send IGM if you need/want them. Gifts reset in just over an hour :)

    I chose the 8 hour crop to start with and plan on just doing up to the CR. I haven't been able to get a farmwheel bonus so plugging along with CAC.

    I have completed the first 2 steps and halfway through step 3. I have 451 drops waiting so think I will have enough when it comes time to need them.

    Certainly the drops are a holdup if you get a crop bonus. This mechanic has always had a drop rate that required careful strategy. I have a lot going on right now in real life so will just not worry about the 2nd half.

    Good luck to you all :)
    dumbunny, gardengal, spotsbox and 6 others like this.
  15. Mooboy

    Mooboy Commander of the Forum

    Some years ago i posted huge page of tips how to Boost your drop rates in the old forum sadly cant posted it back here :wuerg::wuerg:

    Here is Refreshing reminder to Newer Farmerama Players also to old timers ;);) too

    There is Animal Trophy and Crop Trophy Quest to max them out to 15% each, Which is needed to be placed in your fields before your harvest your crops same as for Howie Donuts

    There is Living Legend Rune in Tree of Wisdom in Magical Glade where to can placed Animal and Crop Trophy plus 1 Howie Donut so you do not need to places them in fields to harvest your crops to boost drop rates ;)

    I have 8 Cloud Rows that Boost Drop rates in Bahamarama that without using Additional Howie Donuts i am behind with Flippers not activating these CR at right time also left my farm idle due to being Busy I got 413 Flippers so far no rush still 111 hours left of this event

    Atm I am growing 4 hour crops, i aim to get Cloud Row it depends how many flippers i get many work on 8 Hour Part of this event wait and see :music::music:
  16. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I remind it is time to have Magic trees out, if you have any in dusty Decoration inventory. They give also flippers.
  17. spotsbox

    spotsbox Forum Demigod

    I'm also able to send Tiki Timers, for those needing them. Am behind in event, as was gone yesterday and will be gone tomorrow also. I started with the 8 hr crop because I knew I'd be unable to harvest 4 hr regularly. Will see how far I get, not worried about it. :)

    Have a nice trip, dumbbunny!
    sanddollar15 and gardengal like this.
  18. happycallie

    happycallie Forum Great Master

    I don't know why but I am having a real hard time getting flippers. I don't usually ask for extra drops but if any one has some to spare
    I would appreciate it.
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  19. Nordais

    Nordais Count Count

    This type of event is build to not reach to the end unless you nuke tons of long time growth crops with supergrow. This in not meant for the faint of hearts! If you don't get much drops from de 188 1x1 fields and if you have a little supergrow, try the comfort fields when you go to bed. This should bring up the time growth of the 8h crop to about 9h15 if you hit them with supergrow, water and manure. You should get a drop from each for sure. If you're using the 4h crop, just sow something with a higher time growth when you go to bed, at least you'll max out your chances of getting drops overnight.
    dumbunny and gardengal like this.
  20. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    We are home...sleeping in my own bed last night was so very nice.

    Of course, while I was away, I managed to start the crops on SL's farm. But, I didn't do anything on any other farms and I think it's too late to start. And SL's farm is only planning to go to the half way point. It's good enough for now considering all the RL demands on my time.

    Northy is right - some events are designed this way. What they want is for us to spend money on this game. I think what the developers are forgetting is that some of us have become, um, "jaded" and it takes a lot to make us sit up and take note and want to participate, much less participate and spend money to do it.
    Nordais and sanddollar15 like this.
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