Magical Glade Mill

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by BerthaL, Jan 10, 2020.

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  1. BerthaL

    BerthaL Forum Apprentice

    Why isn't there a mill in the Magical Glade??
  2. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    There is a decorative watermill there.

    The way BP has the mills working it wouldn't matter anyway because the main field, green meadow and magical glade are technically all the same mill -- you can only have 3 feeds in there at a time for the mainland and 3 for tropical. Players have been trying to get a working mill on each field for quite some time but I don't think it is going to be created because that would allow us to mill too much PF -- it would affect sales.

    I think a better question would be why isn't there a separate line of 3 input for MM feeds and at least 1 for the event field?
  3. BerthaL

    BerthaL Forum Apprentice

    I asked the question because I have animals in the glad to feed and I keep having to leave the glade and go to another area to make food for them. It seems stupid to have a non-functioning mill when it would be just as easy to have a functioning one.
    purplebeet likes this.
  4. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    I agree. There is no way to check on stock in the Barn either - every other field (including MM and the event field) have this but the Glade doesn't. It may be because the Tree of Wisdom takes up the space that would have been allotted to the Barn and Mill (though I do agree that if there is room for a decorative mill, why not make it work!). :)
    ChittyChittyBangBang and BerthaL like this.