Mini-Event Magical Stalk Sale

Discussion in 'Event FAQ's' started by teddy.bear, Feb 10, 2025.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ December 2019 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers and 1 new Cloud row. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Christmas Eve 2019 Magic Stalk Pack 1
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 3 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Christmas Eve 2019 Magic Stalk Pack 1

    Christmas Eve 2019 Magic Stalk Row 1
    christmas eve 2019 - 1.png
    Gives: 1000 EP x Farm level, 900 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Christmas Animals
    Cooldown time: 23 hours

    Requires the 3 items shown

    Button Embellishments

    Gives: 2820 EP / TEP
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    Finishing Touch
    Gives: 5900 EP / TEP
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    Joy to the World!
    Gives: 12000 EP / TEP
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Button Embellishments: 60 BB
    Finishing Touch: 60 BB
    Joy to the World!: 60 BB

    Crate O' Christmas Animals
    Receive one random item from the following:

    Christmas Eve 2019 Magic Stalk Pack 2
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row
    Price: 3.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Christmas Eve 2019 Magic Stalk Pack 2

    Christmas Eve 2019 Magic Stalk Row 2
    christmas eve 2019 - 2.png
    Gives: 50% extra EP/TEP from givers for 6 hours, 1 x Crate O' Farm Supplies
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires any four 1x1 deco items plus any two 1x2 deco items
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ January 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers and 1 new Cloud row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Good Ol' Slime Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row
    Price: 3.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Good Ol' Slime Magic Stalk Pack

    Good Ol' Slime Magic Stalk Row
    good ol' slime.png
    Gives: 1000% extra EP when harvesting wheat, carrots, oats, hay, sunflowers and blackberries for 6 hours
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires any one 1x1 deco item plus any one 1x2 deco item plus any two 2x2 deco items

    Good Ol' Farm Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 5 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Good Ol' Farm Magic Stalk Pack

    Good Ol' Farm Magic Stalk Row
    good ol' farm.png
    Gives: 1 x Super-grow, 2 x Crate O' Animal Feed, 1 x Crate O' Manure,
    1 x Crate O' Septemberfest I
    Cooldown time: 23 hours

    Requires the 5 items shown

    The Ol' Supply Tower

    Gives: 2750 EP / TEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Ol' Mill
    Gives: 2750 EP / TEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Ol' Barn
    Gives: 5600 EP / TEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Ol' Farmhouse
    Gives: 5700 EP / TEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Ol' Harvester
    Gives: 12000 EP / TEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    The Ol' Supply Tower: 60 BB
    The Ol' Mill: 60 BB
    The Ol' Barn: 60 BB
    The Ol' Farmhouse: 60 BB
    The Ol' Harvester: 60 BB

    KaiCat33 and sanddollar15 like this.
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ January 2020 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 4 new themed Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Aquarius Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 2 empty themed Cloud Rows
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Aquarius Magic Stalk Pack


    Birthday Sign Magic Stalk Row
    birthday sign.png
    Gives: 4 x Pheromones, 1 x Deluxe Pheromone
    Cooldown time: 20 hours
    Requires any two 1x1 givers and any two 2x2 givers

    Birthday Wish Magic Stalk Row
    birthday wish.png
    Gives: 30% extra EP/TEP when harvesting for 6 hours, 5% increased Super-grow efficiency for 6 hours
    Cooldown time: 42 hours
    Requires any three 1x1 givers and any three 1x2 givers

    Farm Decade Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 2 empty themed Cloud Rows
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Farm Decade Magic Stalk Pack

    Birthday Gala Magic Stalk Row
    birthday gala.png
    Gives: 1000 EP x Farm level, 2 x Super-grow
    Cooldown time: 42 hours
    Requires any two 1x1 givers and any two 2x2 givers

    10th Anniversary Magic Stalk Row
    10th anniversary.png
    Gives: 5% increased Power-feed efficiency for 3 hours, 400% extra EP/TEP from breeding for 3 hours
    Cooldown time: 20 hours
    Requires any three 1x1 givers and any three 1x2 givers
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ February 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Gargoyle Gaggle Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row
    Price: 5.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Gargoyle Gaggle Magic Stalk Pack

    Gargoyle Gaggle Magic Stalk Row
    gargoyle gaggle.png
    Gives: 1 x Crate O' Moonlight Mania III
    Cooldown time: 20 hours

    Requires the 3 items shown, plus any one 1x1 item

    The Awakening

    Gives: 48000 EP / TEP
    Time: 162 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, haunted manor, cloudrow

    Hit the Pot!
    Gives: 96000 EP / TEP
    Time: 162 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, haunted manor, cloudrow

    Bat Shot Crazy
    Gives: 96000 EP / TEP
    Time: 162 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, haunted manor, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    The Awakening: 2.49 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)
    Hit the Pot!: 2.49 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)
    Bat Shot Crazy: 2.49 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    Crate O' Moonlight Mania III
    Receive one random item from the following:

    All the Moonlight Buffs last for 24 hours!
    Cassie101, KaiCat33 and sanddollar15 like this.
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ March 2020 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 5 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Doublet Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 2 empty themed Cloud Rows
    Price: 3.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Doublet Magic Stalk Pack

    Doublet Magic Stalk Row 1
    doublet 1.png
    Gives: 1 x Crate O' Farmwheel Spins VI, 2 x Toolboxes
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires any two 1x1 givers and any two 2x2 givers

    Doublet Magic Stalk Row 2
    doublet 2.png
    Gives: 1 x Crate O' Lunch Snacks, 1 x Crate O' Country Coins II
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires any four 1x1 givers and any two 1x2 givers

    Farm Decade Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 3 empty themed Cloud Rows
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Triplet Magic Stalk Pack

    Triplet Magic Stalk Row 1
    triplet 1.png
    Gives: 3000 EP x Farm level, 1 x Crate O' Fortunes
    Cooldown time: 84 hours
    Requires any two 1x1 givers and any two 1x2 givers

    Triplet Magic Stalk Row 2
    triplet 2.png
    Gives: 2000 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Surprises
    Cooldown time: 84 hours
    Requires any two 1x1 givers and any two 2x2 givers

    Triplet Magic Stalk Row 3
    triplet 3.png
    Gives: 5% chance of not using Super-grow from your Super-grow reserves on Tropical fields for 8 hours, 2 x Crate O' Fertilizers IV
    Cooldown time: 84 hours
    Requires any four 1x2 givers

    * The November 2019 Edition of Stalk Rows will also be available for Users that did not purchase them previously.
    • Foggy Magic Stalk Row - 150 BB
    • Cornucopia Magic Stalk Row - 150 BB
    • Sweet Squash Magic Stalk Row - 150 BB
    Find more details of these cloudrows here.
    KaiCat33 likes this.
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ April 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Egg-tastic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty themed Cloud Row
    Price: 149 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Egg-tastic Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 2500 EP x Farm level, 1 x Crate O' Wealth, 60% extra EP on mainland fields for for 6 hours, 40% extra EP on fullmoon fields for 6 hours
    Cooldown time: 70 hours

    Requires any four 1x1 givers and any three 1x2 givers

    Crate O' Wealth
    Receive 1 random item from the following:
    amy46 likes this.
  7. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ May 2020 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Floral Fragrances Magic Stalk Row Pack
    Contains: 2 empty Cloud Rows
    Price: 3.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Floral Fragrances Magic Stalk Row Pack

    Peony Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 220000 EP, 1 x Free spin
    Cooldown time: 40 hours
    Requires any two 1x1 givers and any two 2x2 givers

    Lilac Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 600 EP x Farm level, 25% extra EP when harvesting main lands for 5 hours
    Cooldown time: 23 hours
    Requires any three 1x1 givers and any three 1x2 givers
  8. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ June 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Disco Dancer Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 3 giver items (details below)
    Price: 179 BB

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Disco Dancer Magic Stalk Pack

    Disco Dancer Magic Stalk Row
    disco dancer.png
    Gives: 550 EP x Farm level, 550 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Treats II
    Cooldown time: 16 hours

    Requires the 3 items shown

    Neon Beaver

    Gives: 1850 EP / TEP
    Time: 9 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    Neon Bee
    Gives: 1850 EP / TEP
    Time: 9 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    Neon Peacock
    Gives: 1850 EP / TEP
    Time: 9 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Neon Beaver: 50 BB
    Neon Bee: 50 BB
    Neon Peacock: 50 BB

    Crate O' Treats II
    Receive 1 random item from the following:
    1 x Pheromone, 1 x Deluxe Pheromone, 1 x Eggnog, 1 x Cheese ball, 1 x Valentine pot,
    1 x Pink jelly, 1 x Power-feed, 1 x Healthy Treat

    Disco Fever Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 3 giver items (details below)
    Price: 159 BB

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Disco Fever Magic Stalk Pack

    Disco Fever Magic Stalk Row
    disco fever.png
    Gives: 550 EP x Farm level, 550 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O’ Animal Feed III
    Cooldown time: 16 hours
    Requires the 3 items shown

    Neon Monkey
    neon monkey.gif
    Gives: 1140 EP / TEP
    Time: 8 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    Neon Camel
    neon camel.gif
    Gives: 1140 EP / TEP
    Time: 8 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    Neon Panda
    neon panda.gif
    Gives: 1140 EP / TEP
    Time: 8 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Neon Monkey: 45 BB
    Neon Camel: 45 BB
    Neon Panda: 45 BB

    Crate O' Animal Feed III
    Receive 1 random item from the following:
    4 x Deluxe Pheromones, 3 x Monkey feed, 3 x Camel feed, 3 x Panda feed,
    3 x Beaver feed, 3 x Bee feed, 3 x Peacock feed, 1 x Power-feed
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  9. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ June 2020 ~
    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Sun and Moon Magic Stalk Row Pack
    Contains: 2 empty Cloud Rows
    Price: 169 BB

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Sun and Moon Magic Stalk Row Pack

    Sunlight Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 1000 EP x Farm level, 1 x Crate O' Baked Delicacies
    Cooldown time: 46 hours
    Requires any five 1x2 givers

    Moonlight Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 400 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Animal Feed
    Cooldown time: 12 hours
    Requires any five 1x2 givers
    There will also be a special giver available:

    Buyable multiple times for 40 BB!

    Night 'n Day
    Gives: 57 EP x Farm level
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 1x2
    Level: 30
    Placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

  10. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ July 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Beach Day Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 Cloud Row + 3 giver items (details below)
    Price: 4.99 EUR (or equivalent in your currency)

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Beach Day Magic Stalk Pack

    Beach Day Magic Stalk Row
    beach day.png
    Gives: 2 x Super-grow, 1 x Deluxe Pheromone
    Cooldown time: 40 hours

    Requires the 3 items shown plus any one 1x2 deco item

    Castle of Sand

    Gives: 33 EP x Farm level or 33 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 18 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    Hamster on Board
    Gives: 5555 EP / TEP
    Time: 18 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    Swift Shells
    Gives: 66 EP x Farm level or 66 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 18 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Castle of Sand: 60 BB
    Hamster on Board: 60 BB
    Swift Shells: 60 BB
    KaiCat33, trishap58 and sanddollar15 like this.
  11. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ August 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Summer Clouds Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 2 empty Cloud Rows
    Price: 169 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Summer Clouds Magic Stalk Row 1
    summer clouds 1.png
    Gives: 3 x Crate O' Summery Fun
    Cooldown time: 18 hours

    Requires any ten 1x1 giver items

    Crate O' Summery Fun
    Receive 1 random item from the following:
    1 x Crate O' Fertilizers III, 1 x Crate O' Wacky Animals, 1 x Crate O' Plenty, 1 x Crate O' Buffs II

    Summer Clouds Magic Stalk Row 2
    summer clouds 2.png
    Gives: 350 EP x Farm level, 350 TEP x Baha level
    Cooldown time: 18 hours

    Requires any five 1x2 giver items
    shellhappybj and KaiCat33 like this.
  12. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ October 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Samhain Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 159 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Samhain Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 300% extra EP for moonlight crops for 18 hours, 60% extra EP on mainland fields for 18 hours, 1 xCrate O' Moonlight Mania III
    Cooldown time: 160 hours

    Requires any ten 1x1 deco items

    Bonfire Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 159 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Bonfire Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 300% extra EP for moonlight trees for 18 hours, 60% extra EP on mainland fields for 18 hours, 1 x Crate O' Moonlight Mania III
    Cooldown time: 160 hours

    Requires any two 2x2 deco items

    Crate O' Moonlight Mania III
    Receive 1 random item from the following:
    alpenliebe and sanddollar15 like this.
  13. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ November 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Holly Magic Stalk Pack
    row 1.png
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 129 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Holly Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 30% extra EP when harvesting main lands for 12 hours, 1 x Crate O' Bonanza Goodies
    Cooldown time: 44 hours

    Requires any five 1x2 deco items

    Winterberry Magic Stalk Pack
    row 2.png
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 129 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Winterberry Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 30% extra TEP when harvesting tropical lands for 12 hours, 1 x Crate O' Tools II
    Cooldown time: 44 hours

    Requires any four 1x1 deco items, any one 1x2 deco item plus any one 2x2 deco item
    sanddollar15 and KaiCat33 like this.
  14. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ December 2020 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new empty Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Icicle Magic Stalk Pack
    shop pack.png
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row + the 3 givers
    Price: 199 BBs

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Icicle Magic Stalk Pack

    Icicle Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 300% extra EP/TEP when harvesting for 4 hours, 1 x Crate O' Emeralds
    Cooldown time: 44 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item

    Nose Fight

    Gives: 1850 EP / TEP
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Vibrant Evergreen
    Gives: 6200 EP / TEP
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Rocket-powered Sled
    Gives: 13600 EP / TEP
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Nose Fight: 69 BB
    Vibrant Evergreen: 69 BB
    Rocket-powered Sled: 69 BB
  15. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ January 2021 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Snowflake Magic Stalk Row 1
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 229 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Snowflake Magic Stalk Row 1
    snowflake 1.png
    Gives: 180% extra EP when harvesting main lands for 6 hours, 1 x Crate O' Plenty
    Cooldown time: 40 hours

    Requires any three 1x2 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item

    Snowflake Magic Stalk Row 2
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 229 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Snowflake Magic Stalk Row 2
    snowflake 2.png
    Gives: 180% extra TEP when harvesting tropical lands for 6 hours, 1 x Crate O' Fertilizers III
    Cooldown time: 40 hours

    Requires any five 1x1 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
    mika-1986 and sanddollar15 like this.
  16. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ February 2021 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new empty Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Eerie Magic Stalk Row
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 199 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Eerie Magic Stalk Row
    Gives: 3000 EP x Farm level, 200% extra EP when harvesting fullmoon givers for 18 hours, 5 x Crate O' Witchy Goods S
    Cooldown time: 44 hours

    Requires any four 1x1 deco items, any one 1x2 deco item plus any one 2x2 deco item
  17. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ March 2021 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Spring Sweep Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row + the 3 givers
    Price: 299 BBs

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Icicle Magic Stalk Pack

    Spring Sweep Magic Stalk Row
    spring sweep.png
    Gives: 1 x 200% EP/TEP Giver Item Bonus
    Cooldown time: 90 hours

    Requires the three items shown

    Bucket Day

    Gives: 20 EP x Farm level or 20 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 12 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Kickin’ up Dust
    Gives: 40 EP x Farm level or 40 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 20 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Creative Chaos
    Gives: 80 EP x Farm level or 80 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Bucket Day: 49 BB
    Kickin’ up Dust: 49 BB
    Creative Chaos: 49 BB
    alpenliebe likes this.
  18. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ May 2021 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 2 new empty Cloud Rows. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Sunny Magic Stalk Row 1
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 99 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Sunny Magic Stalk Row 1
    sunny 1.png
    Gives: 3 x Crate O' EP
    Cooldown time: 18 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item

    Sunny Magic Stalk Row 2
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 119 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Sunny Magic Stalk Row 2
    sunny 2.png
    Gives: 600 EP x Farm level, 2 x Crate O' Farm Supplies, 1 x Crate O' Zany Animals
    Cooldown time: 48 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 2x2 deco items plus any one 1x2 deco item
  19. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ June 2021 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Garden Party Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 themed Cloud Row + the 3 givers
    Price: 249 BBs

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Garden Party Magic Stalk Pack

    Garden Party Magic Stalk Row
    garden party.png
    Gives: 600 EP x Farm level, 1 x Crate O' Icy Fun
    Cooldown time: 48 hours

    Requires the three items shown

    Mischievous Shrub

    Gives: 8200 EP / TEP
    Time: 48 hours
    Size: 1x1
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Magical Hoop
    Gives: 16400 EP / TEP
    Time: 48 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Whimsical Weasel
    Gives: 32800 EP / TEP
    Time: 48 hours
    Size: 2x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, shipwreck bay, the lighthouse, castaway coast, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually and multiple times:
    Mischievous Shrub: 49 BB
    Magical Hoop: 49 BB
    Whimsical Weasel: 49 BB
  20. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ July 2021 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Fluffy Sheep Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 199 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Fluffy Sheep Magic Stalk Row
    fluffy sheep.png
    Gives: 800 EP x Farm level, 2 x Sheep, 1 x Crate O' Goofy Animals
    Cooldown time: 18 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 givers and any two 1x2 givers

    Crate O' Goofy Animals
    Receive 1 random item from the following:
    sanddollar15 likes this.
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