Mini-Event Magical Stalk Sale

Discussion in 'Event FAQ's' started by teddy.bear, Feb 10, 2025.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ May 2023 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Spring Picnic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 199 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Spring Picnic Magic Stalk Row
    spring picnic.png
    Gives: 100% EP extra EP/TEP when harvesting stables and workshops for 4 hours,
    1 x Crate O' EP II, 1 x Crate O' Emeralds
    Cooldown time: 24 hours

    Requires any three 1x2 givers
    MeadowCrossing and sanddollar15 like this.
  2. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ June 2023 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Ocean paradise Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 219 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Ocean paradise Magic Stalk Row
    ocean paradise.png
    Gives: 900 EP x Farm level, 30% EP extra EP/TEP when harvesting all including breedings for 2 hours, 1 x Crate O' Bonanza Goodies
    Cooldown time: 24 hours

    Requires any ten 1x1 givers
  3. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ July 2023 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Seaside Resort Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 219 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Seaside Resort Magic Stalk Row
    seaside resort.png
    Gives: 50% EP extra EP/TEP when harvesting giver items for 3 hours, 1 x Crate O' Farm Supplies IX
    Cooldown time: 20 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 givers, any two 1x2 givers and any one 2x2 giver
  4. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ August 2023 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Surfer’s Beach Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 199 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Surfer’s Beach Magic Stalk Row
    surfer's beach.png
    Gives: 100% extra EP/TEP when harvesting crops and trees for 4 hours
    Cooldown time: 24 hours

    Requires any three 1x2 givers
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ September 2023 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Fairy Tale Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 219 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Fairy Tale Magic Stalk Row
    fairy tale.png
    Gives: 2000 EP x Farm level, 1000 TEP x Baha level, 100% extra EP/TEP when harvesting givers for 3 hours
    Cooldown time: 27 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ October 2023 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Tranquil Lake Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 199 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Tranquil Lake Magic Stalk Row
    tranquil lake.png
    Gives: 2500 EP x Farm level, 1500 TEP x Baha level, 100% extra EP/TEP when harvesting stables for 6 hours
    Cooldown time: 30 hours

    Requires any ten 1x1 deco items
  7. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ November 2023 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Cozy Home Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 199 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Cozy Home Magic Stalk Row
    cozy home.png
    Gives: 800 EP x Farm level, 800 TEP x Baha level, 1000% extra EP/TEP when harvesting "event" crops on main playfields for 4 hours
    Cooldown time: 28 hours

    Requires any three 1x2 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item
  8. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ December 2023 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Ice-skater's Dream Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 219 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Ice-skater's Dream Magic Stalk Row
    ice-skater's dream.png
    Gives: 1000 EP x Farm level, 150% more EP/TEP when harvesting trees for 4 hours, 1 x Crate O' Tools n' More
    Cooldown time: 24 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  9. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ January 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Juicy Melon Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 219 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Juicy Melon Magic Stalk Row
    juicy melon.png
    Gives: 2 x Crate O' Fertilizers II, 1 x Crate O' Farm Supplies IV
    Cooldown time: 320 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item
  10. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ February 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Fiery Dragonfruit Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 189 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Fiery Dragonfruit Magic Stalk Row
    fiery dragonfruit.png
    Gives: +1 extra revenue when harvesting tropical "vegetables" for 2 hours,
    1 x Crate O' Romance VI, 1 x Crate O' Romance VII
    Cooldown time: 36 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items plus any one 2x2 deco item
  11. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ March 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new themed Cloud Row and Givers. Available to purchase from level 30.
    Cute Cashew Magic Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 themed Cloud Row
    Price: 189 BB
    Does not include givers!

    * I want to know more about each item!

    Cute Cashew Magic Stalk Pack

    Cute Cashew Magic Stalk Row
    cute cashew.png
    Gives: 5600 EP x Farm level, 60% more EP/TEP when harvesting all including breedings for 2 hours
    Cooldown time: 20 hours

    Requires any three 1x2 deco items and any one 2x2 deco item

    *Get some themed givers to fill your row:

    Third Time’s a Bee

    Gives: 261 EP x Farm level or 261 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 22 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    The Cashew Collector
    Gives: 119 EP x Farm level or 119 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 10 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    Bear Trap
    Gives: 95 EP x Farm level or 95 TEP x Baha level
    Time: 8 hours
    Size: 1x2
    placeable on the 3 main and 3 tropical lands, park, the lighthouse, sunflower hill, shipwreck bay, castaway coast, cloudrow

    The Givers can be purchased individually three times each:
    Third Time’s a Bee: 79 BB
    The Cashew Collector: 79 BB
    Bear Trap: 79 BB
  12. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ April 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Charming Kiwi Fruit Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 189 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Charming Kiwi Fruit Magic Stalk Row
    charming kiwi fruit.png
    Gives: +1 extra revenue when harvesting Dragonfly Ponds for 6 hours,
    100% extra EP/TEP when harvesting stables for 6 hours, 1 x Crate O' Emeralds
    Cooldown time: 30 hours

    Requires any three 1x2 deco items
    MeadowCrossing and dumbunny like this.
  13. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ May 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Peppy Pineapple Fruit Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 79 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Peppy Pineapple Fruit Magic Stalk Row
    peppy pineapple.png
    Gives: 1 x Crate O' Farm Materials II
    Cooldown time: 12 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any one 1x2 deco item and any one 2x2 deco item
    *Also in the Shop, Purchase these past Giver Items at a discounted price!

    Flower Angel
    Flower Shower
    Timeless Tulips
    Praise the Sun
    Buyable, once each only for 15 BB's each.

    Find more info on these givers here.
  14. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ June 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Magnificent Mango Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 189 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Magnificent Mango Magic Stalk Row
    magnificent mango.png
    Gives: 2500 EP x Farm level, 2500 TEP x Baha level, 2500 CC x Farm level, 1 x Crate O' Farm Supplies X
    Cooldown time: 30 hours

    Requires any ten 1x1 deco items
  15. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ July 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Lovely Lemon Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 249 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Lovely Lemon Magic Stalk Row
    lovely lemon.png
    Gives: 2 x Crate O' Fertilizers, 1 x Crate O' Fertilizers IV, 1 x Crate O' Buffs III
    Cooldown time: 60 hours

    Requires any three 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items and any one 2x2 deco item
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  16. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ August 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Dancing Banana Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 199 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Dancing Banana Magic Stalk Row
    dancing banana.png
    Gives: 9000 EP x Farm level, 140% extra EP/TEP when harvesting givers for 8 hours
    Cooldown time: 22 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items and any one 2x2 deco item
  17. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ September 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Glorious Guava Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 249 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Glorious Guava Magic Stalk Row
    glorious guava.png
    Gives: 8000 EP x Farm level, 8000 TEP x Baha level, +1 extra revenue when harvesting Red-eared Slider Stables and Manta Ray Pools for 4 hours
    Cooldown time: 32 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items, any two 1x2 deco items and any one 2x2 deco item
  18. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ October 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Awesome Avocado Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 189 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Awesome Avocado Magic Stalk Row
    awesome avocado.png
    Gives: 1800 EP x Farm level, 1800 TEP x Baha level, 1 x Crate O' Spooky Goods III
    Cooldown time: 21 hours

    Requires any two 1x1 deco items and any two 1x2 deco items
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  19. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ November 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Star Fruit Stalk Pack
    1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 199 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Star Fruit Magic Stalk Row
    star fruit.png

    Gives: 4500 EP x Farm level, 250% extra EP when harvesting main lands for 3 hours
    Cooldown time: 36 hours

    Requires any four 1x1 deco items and any two 1x2 deco items
  20. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    ~ December 2024 ~

    * Which are the offers available during this Sale?
    This is a special edition offering 1 new Cloud Row. Available to purchase from level 30.

    Peppy Papaya Stalk Pack
    Contains: 1 empty Cloud Row
    Price: 119 BB
    * I want to know more about each item!

    Peppy Papaya Magic Stalk Row
    peppy papaya.png
    Gives: 800 EP x Farm level, 70 CC x Farm level, 1 x Crate O’ Farm Materials II
    Cooldown time: 14 hours

    Requires any ten 1x1 deco items
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 20, 2024
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
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