Announcement Mainland High Level Content Update

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by shooger.sweet, May 2, 2023.

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  1. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    On Wednesday, 3rd of May at 14:00 CEST (UTC+2), there will be new Mainland content added. This update includes three new permanent quests added in the Farmer's Society building.​

    • Shake Adventures
    • Amazing Grazer
    • Vegetation Management
    Find details of these quests here.

    New Stables and Upgrades

    These new stables will be available to purchase from the mainland red shopping basket:

    • From farm level 130:
    Thuringian Goat Pen
    Time: 18 hours
    Gives: 1 Thuringian Goat + 850 EP + 4 units of manure
    Requires: 1 unit of Thuringian Goat Feed (11 x Hay, 1 x Daisy, 2 x Cabbages - milled in 6 minutes)
    Price: 160,000 CC

    Thuringian Goat Pen I:Yellow
    Time: 16 hours and 15 minutes
    Gives: 1 Thuringian Goat + 910 EP + 4 units of manure
    Requires: 1 unit of Thuringian Goat Feed (11 x Hay, 1 x Daisy, 2 x Cabbages - milled in 6 minutes)
    Price: 630,000 CC
    • From Farm level 141:
    Horned Heath Pen
    Time: 15 hours
    Gives: 1 Horned Heath + 870 EP + 4 units of manure
    Requires: 1 unit of Horned Heath Feed (3 x Sweet woodruffs, 1 x Turnip - milled in 7 minutes)
    Price: 240,000 CC

    Horned Heath Pen I:Yellow
    Time: 13 hours and 30 minutes
    Gives: 1 Horned Heath + 930 EP + 3 units of manure
    Requires: 1 unit of Horned Heath Feed (3 x Sweet woodruffs, 1 x Turnip - milled in 7 minutes)
    Price: 940,000 CC
    • From Farm level 150:
    Belted Galloway Shed
    Time: 18 hours
    Gives: 1 Belted Galloway + 900 EP + 4 units of manure
    Requires: 1 unit of Belted Galloway Feed (4 x Oats, 3 x Red currants, 2 x Foxtail millets - milled in 7 minutes and 30 seconds)
    Price: 180,000 CC

    Belted Galloway Shed I:Yellow
    Time: 16 hours and 15 minutes
    Gives: 1 Belted Galloway + 960 EP + 4 units of manure
    Requires: 1 unit of Belted Galloway Feed (4 x Oats, 3 x Red currants, 2 x Foxtail millets - milled in 7 minutes and 30 seconds)
    Price: 710,000 CC​

    Best Regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
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