Market extension

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by james2017, Feb 8, 2021.

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  1. james2017

    james2017 Forum Apprentice

    What are other players thinking? Will it not be nice to extend the market to include moonlight mania items, Baharama golden bananas, old giver items, wisdom tree stars and drop down consumables?
    The amount to trade it for could work the same as for trade in Tree Fruit, Animals, breeding animals and crops.
    Currently I have 4820 Golden bananas (used to date 3829) and 2921 Wisdom stars (used 26860).
    No new items were unlock in the monkey temple or the wisdom tree the last 4 months which is very frustrating.
    I am currently on farm level 226 and Baharama level 525. Currently I am upgrading +/- ounce a month. Playing now for almost 4 years.
    One thing I have learned is that neighbours and giver items is the most needed part of this game.
    This game is already addictive and the above will help all players to have a equal chance.
    Sue46 likes this.