Market number

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arielh, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. kalua

    kalua Forum Apprentice

    Hi MsTheaP! You have just been found on market #5 and confirmed - and will probably make the late bus to the list tonight :p
    ...and you are not alone! At least not on the international list and I'm sure others will be found here, too:)
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 3, 2015
    12ss12 and meba091 like this.
  2. MsTheaP

    MsTheaP Active Author

    As long as it's not the short bus !!! :p

    Yes, I followed the link and finally found the international list [thank goodness for online translators !!]. Lots of market 5 folks overseas I guess. Maybe my group is a more "silent but deadly" type !!! xD
  3. angelinasnyder

    angelinasnyder Forum Apprentice

    I am market 9.
    Arielh and FlaMiss_ like this.
  4. oldmcdonald

    oldmcdonald Forum Pro

    Okay so I had already discovered that I am market number 21 but when I search the gold leaves now I can't seem to find my market number as it comes up as just 135.00, the same for pears... :eek:
    Arielh, FlaMiss_ and 12ss12 like this.
  5. julie1013

    julie1013 Commander of the Forum

    oldmcdonald, keep scanning past the even 135.00 and 120.00. The next price should have cents added to it and that should be your market number. Mine is market 13 so when I went past the even 135.00 the next price was 135.13, same for pears, after the even 120.00 the next price was 120.13. Hope this helps you !! :D:D:D
    Arielh likes this.
  6. oldmcdonald

    oldmcdonald Forum Pro

    @julie1013 thank you, I've managed to see it now :)
    Arielh likes this.
  7. 007Farming

    007Farming Forum Ambassador

    I am in Market #5!!!
    Arielh and meba091 like this.
  8. Greek-Guy

    Greek-Guy Forum Connoisseur

    Howdy Arielh!8)

    I am in market 13.
    Can you add me in the list? :music:
  9. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    The list is updated!
    Do you want to be added to the List as oldmcdonald or with your username?

    Greek-Guy, 007Farming, angelinasnyder, MsTheaP You are also added to the List.
    Greek Guy is this your username?
    meba091 likes this.
  10. Cassie101

    Cassie101 Emperor of the Forum

    I am Market 40
    farmer_broke, Arielh and meba091 like this.
  11. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    Please can someone double check me.I am in (i think cause its been awhile for me to play this game and i think i did it right) number 2 market. And yes i would love to be added to the list.Thank you!
    Arielh likes this.
  12. dafodily

    dafodily Forum Duke

    @Jazac Sorry, but no one here can double check this for you. The 1st post in this thread tells you how to find your market #. 1 Golden Leaf @ 135.xx & 1 Pear @ 120.xx
    Per marktliste offers should be from linedancer or Mondschien13 if you're in Market #2.
    farmer_broke and Jazac like this.
  13. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    yes thank you.. i thought it was someone else who i couldve checked to see what market i was in.. but yes im in market 2. they both had stuff up.
  14. Reza.Aktamasyandy

    Reza.Aktamasyandy Forum Apprentice

    Market 10 ;)
    Arielh likes this.
  15. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Cassie101 and Jazac like this.
  16. cheeepcheap

    cheeepcheap Regular

    New farm: Level 27

    re-edit: farm level 54

    Market #37
    Baha level 38

    Thank you, Arielh,
    for this excellent post!!!:)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
    davidb1yth007 and Arielh like this.
  17. Reza.Aktamasyandy

    Reza.Aktamasyandy Forum Apprentice

    Thank you so much for making this post and added me to the list :)
    Arielh likes this.
  18. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Ι am glad you like it:) You are also added to the List.

    You are welcome Reza:)
    Cassie101 likes this.
  19. hinkleberryfinn

    hinkleberryfinn Someday Author

    Arielh, you are a rockstar! What initiative! I am market 13 if you are still adding :) Thank you!
    Arielh likes this.
  20. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Thank you hinkleberryfinn:) I added you to the List. I forgot to welcome you to the forum, it's very nice to see new players here! I hope you enjoy playing and posting;)
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