Market number

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Arielh, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. mirfully_broke

    mirfully_broke Forum Greenhorn

    Market 7 here

    The farm name is due to -Mir85- . Mir wrote that Mir means peace in her language.

    So why not mirfully_broke .......................... peacefully broke indeed! Thanks Mir.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Broke I have uptaded the list and included your broke family:p Did I miss anyone? (broke_ocean I think is my favorite such poetic name:pxD)
    I have also included other players as well. Can you check if I forget anyone?
    I also included you in this list. I hope you don't mind.
    IVANCICA30, meba091, 12ss12 and 3 others like this.
  3. D51sound

    D51sound Active Author

    Hi Arielh

    I'm market 37 :)

    >How many markets are there?
    >There are 32 different markets.

    market No. are 1 ~40
    but 23,26,28,29,33,35,36,38 are not available so 32 ;)

    And there are another way to find out which market farmers are in. ;)
    not to use markets, can find from user ID. :D
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Thank you D51sound for the information I have uptaded my first post.
    How can you do that?
  5. kalua

    kalua Forum Apprentice

    Nobody here? Ok, I'll answer @Arielh :
    Yes, there is another way to find your market by ID, but actually you find the number of your server which is not identical to the market number. The market number is in the list below

    Here is an example of how to find your server and market:
    ID 10533094 : 32 = 329159.18
    329159 x 32 = 10533088
    10533094 - 10533088 = 6
    Rest 6 = Market 9

    Rest........Market........Rest........Market........ Rest.........Market
    ...0............12............11.............22... .........21............18..
    ...1............07............12.............02... .........22............25..
    ...2............21............13.............01... .........23............31..
    ...3............08............14.............30... .........24............34..
    ...4............37............15.............40... .........25............03..
    ...5............14............16.............06... .........26............32..
    ...6............09............17.............20... .........27............13..
    ...7............27............18.............10... .........28............05..
    ...8............15............19.............39... .........29............11..
    ...9............19............20.............24... .........30............04..
    .10............17................................. ...........31............16...

    This "Rest" is your server number.

    And by this list you still don't know who is on your market, unless the other person has his or her ID in their signature, so it will only be a help for yourself.
    Have a nice evening!
  6. Tinni

    Tinni Padavan

    What Kalua means is divide your user id by 32
    The answer you get, remove the decimals and mulitply by 32
    Subtract your this answer from your User ID.
    The number you get will be your server number.

    Kalua has given a table of server number and market numbers, so find your market number from that table.

    At least that is how I understood it. Worked for my farm.
  7. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Or you can google this:


    (replace the blue numbers with your ID). Then google will calculate the "rest" number (server number) for you. But you still have to find the market number in kalua's table :)
    IVANCICA30, 12ss12, kalua and 2 others like this.
  8. kalua

    kalua Forum Apprentice

    Oh my goodness! I'm sorry, I was in a bit of a rush when I posted the table and I had completely forgotten that you use a different sign for dividing! Thank you @Tinni for clarifying :) Yes, that is exactly what my earlier post means. I guess I have been in Germany longer than I thought;):p and my school days in the USA are very long ago...Hope that everything is understood now?
  9. fruity_broke

    fruity_broke Forum Greenhorn

    market 7

    12sss12, please meet fruity_broke
  10. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you, D51sound, Tinni, kalua, -Mir85-, for the xplanations. Thank you. I understood it.
    Meba, Naturally. We are very hardworking farmers, aren't we ? ;) :D

    SHhhhhhh dafodily, [​IMG] might hear.

    Very very glad to meet you fruity_broke.


    So far 10 _broke-s.
    Here is the broke family:-

    1. king_broke
    2. prince_broke
    3. farmer_broke
    4. bunny_broke
    5. big_daddy_broke
    6. grandpa_broke
    7. cheesy_broke
    8. broke_ocean
    9. mirfully_broke
    10. fruity_broke

    The 'broke' family is growing strong and long everyday !
    We are happy and proud to present to you the star attraction of Farmerama - The 'broke' Family .

    And we present to you the latest addition - the youngest member
    ..................................... [​IMG]
    ............................cute little fruity_broke.

    ..................................... [​IMG]
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 13, 2015
    IVANCICA30, kalua, dafodily and 2 others like this.
  11. minicake

    minicake Forum Greenhorn

    Hi! I'm in market 32 xD
    IVANCICA30, kalua and Arielh like this.
  12. kalua

    kalua Forum Apprentice

    The market watchers have voted (it does take time to get everyone together;)) and here are the results:
    everything will stay the way it is now,
    but if golden leaves are sold out (the price goes higher than 88.88) on 5 markets for 48 hours or more, we will change to offers to 135.xx pretty fast - I will inform you if and when that happens.
    Have a nice evening everyone!
    Arielh, 12ss12, SthnMiss_ and 7 others like this.
  13. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    Thank you @kalua for keeping us in the loop!!
    Arielh, kalua and SthnMiss_ like this.
  14. mister_manypenny

    mister_manypenny Forum Greenhorn

    Market 24

    Another part of the broke family
    bygo_cris, labmommy30 and SillyGuy like this.
  15. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I am happy to see another member of your family. Maybe you should add all these members to the international list so your family will be world wide known:D
  16. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    Hello! I am on Market 11 as Will*O*Wisp. I have posted a pear at 120.11
    kalua and bygo_cris like this.
  17. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    Hi Willow you are in the English market list now. I am sure you will be found and included in the international list soon:)
    kalua and bygo_cris like this.
  18. fishy_broke

    fishy_broke Advanced

    Hi Arielh. Market 15 here.
    12ss12, SillyGuy, bygo_cris and 2 others like this.
  19. GuineaUp

    GuineaUp Forum Great Master

    Market 34 here :)

    I posted 1 Pear for 120.34, do I need to post 34 Golden Leaf for 88.88 too?
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
    kalua and bygo_cris like this.
  20. kalua

    kalua Forum Apprentice

    You have already been found and brought to the international list:)
    1 pear is enough - the golden leaves are only there as a help to find your market

    Does "broke" have to be in it? How do you like: "broke_in_the_deep_blue_sea"? or maybe just "Angelfish" - Arielh is such an angel and a big help for everyone! :);):)
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 8, 2015
    12ss12, Arielh, SillyGuy and 2 others like this.
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