Market Question

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by gardengal, Feb 10, 2023.

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  1. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Duke

    Hello can someone explain to me why if I have the market fairy rune maxed out to 100% my sales prices in my market still doesn't come close to matching others? For example, manure was above 400,000 in my market this morning for 100 manure. Yet when I sold 100 of mine it was half of that sales price. Normally my sales price is fairly close to others' sales price when inflated like that but for some reason it has not been lately even though I have the market fairy rune maxed out. Why can someone sell their manure for around 400,000 but mine only sells for around 200,000. Does it have anything to do with farm level? Thank you to anyone who can explain.
  2. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    It is dynamic market. Those 400,000 offers are old and made when overall price of manure was high. After that there has been a lot of cheaper offers and they are sold, so the price level has dropped.
  3. gardengal

    gardengal Forum Duke

    Thank you for replying. Yes that was my understanding of the market as you described but those offers were made close to the same time as mine because not all of them were there at first when I listed mine. For example, I listed mine and it was around 200,000, as I was listing mine someone listed theirs and theirs was around 400,000. I then listed another right after theirs and mine was still only around 200,000. I've never seen that happen before in the 7 years that I've been playing this game. Today it is back to normal and mine is listing higher now close to the same price as others listing theirs around the same time as me. So no worries; just wondered if game level had anything to do with it or something else I wasn't aware of but it's all good now.
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