master kay package

Discussion in 'Help Archive' started by .ümit20., Dec 21, 2023.

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  1. .ümit20.

    .ümit20. Forum Greenhorn

    I purchased a key package with 99 farm gold.The gold was deducted from my account,but the keys were not added to my account. Could you help please ?
    Written with Google translate.
  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello .umit20. :)

    If you will post your user ID#, we can check your account.
  3. .ümit20.

    .ümit20. Forum Greenhorn

    game name : .ümit20. ID: 39223487
  4. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    I can confirm you purchase went through correctly. You have 60 master keys in your Alps inventory.

    You may need to log out and back in again to see the changes.

    May I assist you further?
  5. .ümit20.

    .ümit20. Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 22, 2023
  6. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    On behalf of Farmers.Almanac, you are welcome.

    ~NFQ~ closing thread
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