Feedback Melon Madness

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Intrepideur, Jun 12, 2017.

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  1. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8)I don't think level makes any difference, as I'm level 104 - and along with many other high level players have posted about too many back to back events. Yes, it would be boring without any, but many of us love to work on our farms, too. A better balance between the two would be ideal, instead of being overwhelmed by one or the other.
    How we feel about it just depends on where each one's interests are....;)
    Arielh, phoenixboy12 and BoHoKaren like this.
  2. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    Yes I love events as they kinda help you with farming. But at same time to many items needed for very little rewards and back to back events. We would really have to have coins to do these events as no time to STOCK up. Next event like this, I too would like a way to remove or stop the seeds we no longer need. I am having to slow down when planting as I already planted a wrong crop during this event. Also I have finished this event yesterday. So thank you BP for this event.
  3. Greetings lovely Farmers :)

    Thank you all for the feedback provided.

    Best regards,

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