Mentor forum

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Dec 22, 2015.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I just became a mentor and find that I would like to chat/get advice from other mentors, but have no idea who is and is not one, other than a few who have posted such. What about having a forum specifically so mentors can chat with each other. It would be open just to mentors.

    I realize that chitchat and the strategy section offer some space, but there are some questions I would like to ask specifically of other mentors, without necessarily involving the whole community.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I am not a mentor and I have no idea how this system works but you could open a thread here for mentors so you can chat. Other players who are not mentors could take part in the conversation if they are chickadees so they can ask for what they need and not mentors or chickadees would be benefited too because in the future maybe they will be mentors too.
    alexis2112 and harry011975 like this.
  3. harry011975

    harry011975 Forum Mogul

    Woody, I think that is a great idea. I became a mentor about two weeks ago and am finding it difficult to get anywhere by myself. So far I have had around 6 chicks and they either arrive in the red or just do not play. Maybe others could join in give help and advice.
    alexis2112, crzyjoyce and woody like this.
  4. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    I just became a mentor and in the same boat as harry011975. :p
    alexis2112, crzyjoyce and woody like this.
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I remember when I first started, I was nervous about the first person or two who contacted me -- not for any reason other than that I did not understand how they got my name, why they were contacting me, etc. Then, when I understood what the mentors were about, I got someone who did not speak English. After that, I finally I got a mentor who helped me a great deal.

    DBAYES Count Count

    I've been a Mentor for ever and only have five Chickadees max. Yes, have also been getting Chicks that are in the red and at level 3 and they don't level up ever, so I remove and get the same new red Chicks, frustrating for sure! If you have any questions @woody send me an IGM.
  7. T_rixy

    T_rixy Junior Expert

    I too just became a mentor after a long wait and have the same issues with red chicks and chicks that have abandoned the game. I finally started removing red chicks as soon as I could and other chicks when their green bar started to drop. I felt a little bad about doing it but then rationalized if you don't play right after signing up you probably won't

    Finally I got 3 chicks that are playing a bit. My first 3 pieces of advice to them were:

    1. Hoard your BB for something special, they are rare unless you plan to spend lots of RM.
    2. Don't use PF for stalls save for BBD
    3. Check out the forum it has lots of great tips. Don't be afraid to post questions, people will help.

    I'm trying to build a top 10, what else should be on the list?
    alexis2112, Mooboy and crzyjoyce like this.
  8. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Thank you. At least one thing was accomplished! I (we) now know a few other mentors.

    You all and another kind anonymous individual have helped me with the biggest questions I had already -- when to keep or get rid of chicks. I guess it makes sense that few are active, since a lot of people join for a peek and quit right away. I hate to give up on anyone, but also want to help those who want help, not waste my time with those who could care less.
    alexis2112, Mooboy, Arielh and 2 others like this.
  9. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    A tip on the "red flashing chicks" ....

    The system gives you computer generated chicks sometimes... they won't play. So don't feel guilty about removing them if they don't respond nor level up.
    alexis2112, DBAYES, Mooboy and 3 others like this.
  10. harry011975

    harry011975 Forum Mogul

    Thanks for the tip on the red flashing chicks. The question I have is should I continue gifting the ones in the green or delete them also. I know that there is a bonus if the bar is filled but do we get it if the chick is not playing?
    alexis2112 and woody like this.
  11. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    First, a question of my own -- can you buy artisan products in the market before opening the village? I am thinking not, but its been so long, I cannot remember any longer. I know you can use the products right off, but I am thinking you have to wait to buy them?

    When the bonus bar is full, you get your bonus whether the chick has played or not. Once you get the first bonus, you can keep gifting/getting more bonus from that chick or, if you drop them, then start with a new chick. What I was advised, what seems more or less standard is that if you have given your chick a "welcome" message and a gift every day, and they don't respond or move up at all, then drop them once you coup the bonus. If they are actually active, they can get another mentor, but a lot of chicks are not. Per the red... they drop off a bit after. You still do get your bonus, but I think if you get them when red, they will drop off before you have the bar full enough to get the points (not sure?)
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2015
    alexis2112, Mooboy and BlackCaviar like this.
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I think players cannot buy artisan products in the market until level 40 but they can use them right away if gifted.

    Just like when neighbors' thermometers drop and then turn red and begin to blink means that chicks began the game and then didn't actively play. I think it is a couple of weeks before they blink red if they haven't logged in and another week or 2 (I think all together it is a month before a neighbor disappears from the neighborhood). So, if a chick has not logged in for almost a month, it is not likely they will return.
    alexis2112, Mooboy, meba091 and 2 others like this.
  13. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Good to know I'm not alone out there! So far I have very few chicks who respond, so I don't know if they speak English, but most of my chicks arrive either in the red or at level 3 and just start dropping off the scale. At the moment I'm being patient because of the time of year, but it is frustrating!
  14. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I am guessing that the initial turnover rate is pretty high. A lot of people try out this type of game, but quickly leave. Even those who might actually play may not want a mentor or may be reluctant to communicate initially, due to worries from other games (I fell into that category, as I noted, I think I dismissed a couple of mentors before finally realizing what was up and getting a very nice mentor).
    alexis2112 likes this.
  15. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Since becoming a mentor I've only had one chick respond to my initial 'Hello' letter. It was a simple response..."Hello mentor" then their therm promptly started falling. :eek:
    Like TC said with the Holidays I have not really pushed the issue just send out daily gifts - short message until I get the bonus points. I did this with a couple of blinkers over the holidays just because of time shortage on my part.
    There is another Mentor that advised to send a 'Tip of the Day' to your chicks...I really liked that idea. I have been jotting ideas down, trying to remember what are the most important steps to take at the right time.
    Of course that is If I get a real chick that wants to learn ;)
  16. AnnTAngel7

    AnnTAngel7 Advanced

    I do the "Tip of the Day". For ideas of tips you can check out the question section and see what newer players are asking. The first thing is to send an introduction with a short explanation of the mentor program. Next is checking the forum (and how to get here). Followed by getting to make cc... etc.
    If someone doesn't appear to be playing I let the bar fill up, then delete them. I also send them a note that I'm deleting them and if they need help in the future to contact me.
  17. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I like this idea also. The first tip -- go to the forum. Except, most do not.....
  18. Teagle22

    Teagle22 Forum Inhabitant

    I too just became an "official" mentor. However, before getting this feature, I've mentored some of my neighbors. I am very pleased to call them my "game buddies". Now these new "chicks", we shall see.

    It as been so long since I began, I opened a new farm to remember what you need when starting out.
  19. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    today's mentor tip --- sell manure! a lot of new people don't know you can.
  20. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    LOL Woody, that's the tip I gave my chicks!
    cheeepcheap and alexis2112 like this.