{MERGED 3 Halloween threads} Oooh my, what could this be??

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by ~Grapevine*Wizard~, Oct 4, 2014.

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  1. o_Oohh I had a vision, a straaaange vision of a staaaaange animal...

    What do you think it could be?

    and then, a vision of something even straaaaanger... :eek:


    Do you have ANY idea what this could represent?
    I'm totally puzzled! o_O

    Arielh likes this.
  2. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    This animal comes from the Greek mythology and it is called Cerberus.
    It is three-headed dog that protected the entrance of Hades(where the dead people went)

    Maybe this will be a new item which we can get it in the Halloween event.
    sudhir and JJenks like this.
  3. pepsishot

    pepsishot Forum Expert

    The crop looks like this plant to me...


    Nepenthes (/nɨˈpɛnθiːz/), popularly known as tropical pitcher plants or monkey cups, is a genus of carnivorous plants in the monotypicfamily Nepenthaceae. The genus comprises roughly 150 species, and numerous natural and many cultivated hybrids. They are mostly liana-forming plants of the Old Worldtropics, ranging from South China, Indonesia, Malaysia and the Philippines; westward to Madagascar (two species) and the Seychelles (one); southward to Australia (three) and New Caledonia (one); and northward to India (one) and Sri Lanka(one). The greatest diversity occurs on Borneo, Sumatra, and the Philippines, with many endemic species. Many are plants of hot, humid, lowland areas, but the majority are tropical montane plants, receiving warm days but cool to cold, humid nights year round. A few are considered tropical alpine, with cool days and nights near freezing. The name "monkey cups" refers to the fact that monkeys have been observed drinking rainwater from these plants.

    I could be wrong though. Sorry the picture is so big. I'm not sure how to make it smaller o_O
  4. Dienstag

    Dienstag Exceptional Talent

    That really sounds like something for Halloween. Question is, is it for the event quest or a new plant to keep?
    Arielh likes this.
  5. suezoroc

    suezoroc Advanced

    Well, there is that Cerberus EP giver which definitely will be an event quest, I have a feeling that it will stay as a new plant-because of the keyword: TROPICAL! which makes it a Baha crop :D
    Arielh likes this.
  6. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    pepsishot I think Nepenthes is this crop because they are exactly the same!!
    but maybe it will stay as a Halloween crop and we will be able to grow it only when there is a full moon.
    Who knows?:music:
  7. sudhir

    sudhir Someday Author

    Hey It Looks like a PITCHER PLANT to me .......... They trap and eat insects ........ Hmmm May be an addition to Halloween event:music:
    muscaricat and Arielh like this.
  8. Latein

    Latein Junior Expert

    :music:Second try, as they are posted in maaany forums already:

    What do these picutures remind you of?


    :music:Maybe it is even easier with this one:


    Aaand a lot easier now:




    EDITED with saving the pictures and uploading with forum "upload a file" technique. So they are hosted here, not just links, as some had strange re-directs ;) ~GW~
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 10, 2014
    sugarpie2737 likes this.
  9. AuntMoe1

    AuntMoe1 Forum Greenhorn

    Looks like a new pet. I am guessing with the 2day Moonlight Mania or maybe the Halloween event. :inlove:
  10. Latein

    Latein Junior Expert

    :DMaybeeee... I am not sure were we will get it either, but we'll see.
  11. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    Yes...I definitely think its a new pet that we can win during the Halloween event!;)
    MissSmartyPants, spotsbox and heidels like this.
  12. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    I like it! I wonder what it does? Hmmm, what do we all want? A pet that gives GB? PF? BB? LOL Looking forward to the event!
  13. Kaydd2

    Kaydd2 Junior Expert

    Personally I am hoping for a PF producing, cloud harvesting, GB pooping new Unicorn on my farm. :D Wishful thinking for all those, but I can wish xD

    It is very :inlove:
  14. Brookeham

    Brookeham Forum Freak

    I agree Kaydd! :DThat would be the most sought after pet in the farmerama universe!!!!!:p
    spotsbox and baw815 like this.
  15. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend


    It is so beautiful!!!
    It looks like a pet like you said.
  16. Latein

    Latein Junior Expert

    I could find the first picutre for[​IMG].


    Any ideas about what that could be? :)

  17. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    The second looks like a pitcher plant (carnivorous). Could the first be some type of strangle vine?

    As they both have the number 10 under them, I'd guess they are event crops.
    sudhir likes this.
  18. I hope you like dogs, found a wonderful 3-in-1 dog !!!
    and a few other goodies too:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    o_Oooh and a magical something that we've seen somewhere before... :
    Arielh likes this.
  19. belindamotion1

    belindamotion1 Active Author

    OOOOHHH...now this I want flying around on my Farm like a Pet...:inlove:..:inlove:
    JJenks and -Mir85- like this.
  20. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    The dog is Cerberus, posted at the gates of Hades to keep the ghosts from leaving. This one looks too friendly to scare the ghosts away.
    Arielh likes this.
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