Mill product tree

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Okkkay, Mar 27, 2018.

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  1. Okkkay

    Okkkay Active Author

    As it says on the tin. Just like the Magic Tree it could be bought for (many) farm coins, or maybe rarely (not just once in a lifetime, but , say, twice a year) it could be an event reward.
    - Like the magic tree, it's a giver so it can be planted on the island, or in the park, or by the haunted manor
    - No Susy or turbo plantfeed effect
    - During an event with a mill product, it would give one mill product directly
    - If there are more than one mill products, its location could decide ( like, it gives a fluffy kitty if you place it in the park, it gives a fluffy monkey if it's placed in Baha, and a fluffy monster if it's at the manor)
    - Between such events, it would give a random mill product of the local mill: if it's placed in Baha it givesd a random Baha feed, if in the manor it gives one firefly / slimemonster / fairy feed.

    Please note I'm not saying "crate". Once it's harvested, the tree might as well show what feed it'll give later.
  2. FrootloopGrove

    FrootloopGrove Exceptional Talent

    :D Second the above!
    This is an Excellent Idea! :inlove:

    and if they don't want to award feed, EPs would be nice; like the magic tree gives. TEPs if it placed on the island.
    Just an alternative suggestion BUT for real I love all your idea.
    MARLYMAR and Okkkay like this.
  3. littletinybit

    littletinybit Forum Connoisseur

    That is a great idea! Very clever!
  4. vizcacha

    vizcacha Someday Author

    good idea!!:D:D:D:D:D