Missing Moonlight sapling

Discussion in 'Technical issues' started by Midjett100, Oct 14, 2024 at 5:56 PM.

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  1. Midjett100

    Midjett100 Forum Apprentice

    I earned the 2 moonlight saplings from the farm society (Gothic Season) yesterday. I place them on the moonlight farm (mushroom forest). Today I go to "grow" them, and only 1 is there. Was a Twilight Birch. I was happy with that. But I would really like to know what happened to tree #2. If I "grew" it, I sure missed it, and dont know what it turned out to be. I really dont think Im that absent minded to be honest, but I could be wrong. Is there anyone that can help me with this? Thank you.
  2. Farmers.Almanac

    Farmers.Almanac Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Hello Midjett100 :)

    Please post your user ID# so we can check your account.
  3. Midjett100

    Midjett100 Forum Apprentice

    User: Midjett100 ID: 57607881
  4. Midjett100

    Midjett100 Forum Apprentice

    Im beginning to think Im losing my mind. I now have 2 "detroit" saplings planted, and I can no longer find where in the Gothic Season the Moonlight trees are. Even though I DID grow one this morning. Im just so confused now. Im sorry if I have caused anyone any trouble. Still dont know what happened to moonlight tree # 2 that I planted, but then again, I dont really know when I got the Detroit saplings either....Oh well. Stranger things have happened.
  5. shooger.sweet

    shooger.sweet Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    From the Gothic Season, you won 2 x "Detroit" Wonder Trees which turned into 1 x XL Franklinia and 1 x XXL Field Maple.
    There are no Eerie Wonder Trees as rewards in the Season Pass, you may have received the “Specter” Eerie Wonder Tree from another event. You did plant it and it did indeed turn into a XL Twilight Birch.

    Can I assist you further?