Missing Music Boxes Cloud Row

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Nov 21, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    We have opened a sticky thread in the Technical Issues section where you can post your user ID(s) if the Music Boxes Cloud Row is missing from your account. Due to some technical issues, we will book this cloud row manually for the affected players.
    Thank you,
    IVANCICA30 and Michael1877 like this.
  2. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    The Team will run a script today for booking the Music Boxes Cloud Row to those of you who still don't have it, and didn't post your ID in the thread we have opened for this matter (which will now be closed).
    Best regards,
    Your Farmerama Team
    IVANCICA30, Michael1877 and SillyGuy like this.
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