MM & Jack's Back permanent quest

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by -Mir85-, Oct 23, 2014.

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  1. Chevrefeuille

    Chevrefeuille Forum Commissioner

    Just one little question - anyone know why I can't see the Cauldron Cat in Jack's Shop on this farm? I can see it on Illy but not this one. Not that I am anywhere near getting it or the Cloud Row this time round, just curious! :sleepy:

    Edit: o_Ops - a bit early for me! Thought that was a recipe but it is the poor Cauldron Cat bubbling away. Found it! :music:
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  2. pepsi52

    pepsi52 Forum Apprentice

    Could someone tell me what items go on the spooky cloud row.
    I have read the the most helpful posts to see if i could find out
    but maybe i missed it.
  3. Bhodho

    Bhodho Count Count

    Refer to the first post in this thread...

  4. pepsi52

    pepsi52 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks Bhodho how could i have missed that not even small LOL
    baw815 likes this.
  5. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst

    After having rethought all this a little bit, I realized that when and if I get the cloud row, it doesn't make any sense to have it activated all the time.

    That is, since Cerberus yields 450 B-EPs/14 hs -a 1x2 item- whereas the cloud would yield 1500 B-EPs/48 hs, and EP-giving from the cloud is negligible (1200 EPs is certainly a bad joke), then the most convenient thing to do is to keep Cerberus in Shipwreck Island all the time, and only complete the cloud row in order to activate it right before you sow your first significantly long spooky crop in a MM period -I say right before the first significantly long crop is sown because many MMs last 25 hs, not 24, and it can be helpful to have this reduction in place right before MM expires, so that to plant the longest growth time crop in those very last minutes before expiry-.

    (I haven't researched the sizes of the rest of the items, but the only one that could also be considered for a park is the Cauldron Cat: it yields 300 EPs/12 hours; I suspect it's a large 2x2; it can only be considered if it's a 1x1 or 1x2; does anyone know how large it is?). (The rest of the items, a real burden, can be left permanently sitting on the cloud: otherwise, they would be in barn).

    So, this reinforces one conclusion: Cerberus first, then the rest and the cloud row via the permanent quest; once the cloud and the items to fill it are both gotten, activation of it only right before sowing the first significantly long growth time spooky crop in a MM and Cerberus placed in Shipwreck Is. at all other times.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
    snobunny333, hatzeva, msmeow and 2 others like this.
  6. JJenks

    JJenks Forum Ambassador

    Aluntino - The Cauldron Cat is 2x2.....I found one hiding in my Shipwreck park. :p

    Thank you everyone for putting all the numbers together. :) I'm going for Cerberus first and then see where I end up.
    Good Luck to All.
    Aluntino and baw815 like this.
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Thanks for the information!

    Looks like I am better off just working on my breeding bat and crow pens first. I have planted a few of the "seed" crops so I have a stock, but my priority is to finis the breeding pens first.
    CaliChrome likes this.
  8. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    That's great advice Aluntino, thanks :) For me MM starts early afternoon, so it would make sense to grow a short crop first, then activate the cloud row 1 hour into the event :)

    Now it is just a matter of getting it :pxD;)
    baw815 likes this.
  9. dnin21cent

    dnin21cent Forum Baron

    I got the same thought as Aluntino, when I got the Cerebus, I will only put it on cloud row
    when MM held, Put it back to shipwreck at normal days, I could earn BEP every 14 hr,
    with pet add up, I will get more than 1500 BEP in 48 hr.
  10. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Aluntino for sharing strategy about Cerberus. I have looked at it based on my farming style (times I can harvest) and it would only be worth having it on Shipwreck bay because of my pets.

    for example: Assume both cloud row and park are ready to harvest at the same time:

    Day 1: 6:00 AM(sometimes earlier) harvest: 450 from bay or 1500 from clouds
    Day1: 8:00 PM (14 hrs later) harvest: 450 from bay
    Day 2: 10:00 AM (14 hrs later) harvest: 450 from bay
    **I would miss the next harvest as it would be midnight and I don't stay up that late
    Day 3: 6:00 AM harvest: 450 bay or 1500 from clouds (it has now been 48 hrs)

    Totals: 1800 from Cerberus being in park vs. 3000 in clouds

    My pets and buffs to boost Ep would make it better to have in the bay but if I didn't have them or use buffs, then it would be better in the clouds.
    SuzeeRabbit and Chevrefeuille like this.
  11. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    For your farming habits, as you describe them, to make the comparison you illustrated above fair, you should add 2 harvests of Cerberus before the first one you're considering. Otherwise, you'd be assuming Cerberus as non-existent at start in the parks but existent in the cloud. Taking this into account, then, your comparison yields:

    2700 B-EPs if Cerberus is in Shipwreck Is. vs. 3000 B-EPs if kept always in the cloud. Hence, it's practically equivalent, for your farming style, to keep it in either park or cloud. But, if you have pets and/or buffs of any kind active at the moment of any of your harvests, it'll yield much more if in park, again, for your farming habits.

    For my farming style, instead, same comparison would probably yield something like this:

    7 harvests if in parks vs 2 harvests if in cloud: 3150 vs. 3000

    But, since I have 6 owls, and never harvest anything if they're not activated first, all the 6 of them, my result would be 5040 vs. 3000, and difference much larger with any EP-boosting buff additionally active.

    The only other moment, at least for me, when it would make any sense to have it in the cloud is when I travel or I'll be absent for a while.

    Of course, for those who cannot stand a grayed-out cloud, or those who don't care about the difference in B-EPs yield, then the cloud is the best option. (Just in case: I'm not saying it's your case).

    EDIT: Thanks, JJenks. So, definitely, it's ruled out any other item for any park. How come you had that thing in barn?... LOL
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
  12. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Aluntino you are quite right :) I would just like to explain why :p

    Comparing cloud rows and items can be a bit confusing, since with the cloud row you get the bonus first, then there is a cool down time, but with the item you get the reward afterwards.

    For illustration lets say you have an extra Cerebrus to place on the island. Lets start with all the items in the inventory.
    • Day 1: 6 AM Place Cerebrus on bay; Harvest 1500BEP from the cloud row
    • Day 1: 8 PM Harvest 450BEP from bay; Cloud row is cooling down
    • Day 2: 10 AM Harvest 450BEP from bay; Cloud row is cooling down
    • Day 3: 6 AM Harvest 450BEP from bay; Cloud row is ready ready again
    At this point you are back to were we began and you can start the cycle again. During this cycle you have harvested 1350BEP from the bay and 1500BEP from the clouds (Aluntinos numbers are for two such cycles).

    Hope this makes sense, if not please let me know :)
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
    SuzeeRabbit and Aluntino like this.
  13. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Thank you Aluntino for additional breakdown. My assumption, which I did not make clear, was that the first harvest of the clouds happens when you first place the EP givers with no waiting time involved. The EP giver placed in the bay would have to wait 14 hrs to be ready from initial placement.

    I am trying to raise enough crops for Cerberus to place in the bay because I will not have enough crops at the end of this MM to do the quest as well as get all the EP givers needed so I really don't have a dilemma. I have 6 owls plus 2 crows so it would do better on the bay. I would just need to remember to place him at the right time to get the benefit of time reduction for MM crops.

    As a side note, grayed out clouds do not bother me. In fact, some of the themed rows that we have won in past events are in the park/bay because they provide better EP individually than in the clouds. When the time comes there is no more room forcing me to remove something from the park/bay will I move them to the clouds.
    SuzeeRabbit, baw815 and BlackCaviar like this.
  14. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Hi pnp :) Aluntino is still right, see my explanation above :music:
  15. puppiesnponies

    puppiesnponies Living Forum Legend

    Hi Mir,
    I am not disagreeing with Aluntino at all. Your math also supports that the BEP gained from the clouds is slightly greater than in the park(just the base amounts). What makes it better in the bay is the pets and associated buffs (rose jam, EM, garlic pesto...).

    I am certainly not trying to instigate any conflict. I always appreciate the efforts of others to offer a strategic point of view.

    Please forgive an erroneous thinking...I am still Fuzzles sitting in the rain.
    SuzeeRabbit and Aluntino like this.
  16. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    :oops: I am sorry, then I misread your post.

    Me neither, I am glad we agree :D You are of course right that it yields less in shipwreck bay. But the difference is so small that it is easily covered if you have any pets or use some buffs. If not, then it is better to have it in the clouds :)
  17. sglick

    sglick Board Analyst

    Thanks to everyone who has provided such valuable information. I was out of town and AFK on Wednesday and Thursday so I have lost 24 hours for this special MM. Last night in the middle of the night, I was too exhausted to read anything so I just planted the next needed crop for the Clean Spell Quest. I was able to finish that section. This morning, I was able to read through this thread. No way can I finish everything. I do have all of the little EP givers needed except the 3-headed puppy. Based on everyone's input, I have decided that getting the puppy is my best use of my time for now.

    I still have not decided to begin working on this new cloud row or not. I am on Level 8 Silver on the Clean Spell, and I have all the needed EP givers for that cloud row. My FOCD has a tendency to want things completed in the order of things being introduced so I think I will finish that cloud row 1st. Then I will start working on this new cloud row. Then, I will go back and finish the rest of Clean Spell. Then finish Jack's I can't remember the rest of this new Quest's name.

    I am definitely one who does not like a Greyed out cloud row. My solution is to make 2 puppies. 1 for the cloud row and 1 for Shipwreck Bay.

    1 little tid-bit that I noticed that I do not think anyone mentioned. Is that both of these MM cloud rows need a Cauldron Kitty. I have 1 so I will need to make another down the road when I get closer to finishing that cloud row.
    SuzeeRabbit and JJenks like this.
  18. Aluntino

    Aluntino Board Analyst


    There's nothing to forgive....

    And I don't see any conflict anywhere.... (By the way, rest assured I don't care about "being right", not a bit. I wouldn't have hesitated for a second to admit I was wrong, if I had been). But, again, as you very well pointed out, farming habits do play a role on what's best for oneself. And, if having it in the cloud is better for you, as you clearly explained why, so be it.... What's best for me not necessarily is best for others...


    Thanks for shedding some additional light about my previous explanation. And you're right, two of those cycles yield 2700, not 2800 B-EPs. I'll correct it right away.
  19. CJAT

    CJAT Forum Expert

    Hi Aluntino! I like your logic... I'm not sure it is even possible for me to open the cloud row this MM, due to time restraints. In addition to the new crops needed, I still need a few hundred bonetrees plus about 2k of the dracula orchids. =.( But I'm still going to try and see how close I can get to the cloud row. (Using super-grow as an absolute last resort!) My reasoning is that I would hope to be able to use the Jack's Back cloud row to reduce the time by 10% on spooky crops the upcoming Halloween Event... I would so love to be able to reduce an event crop growing time for once lol!
    Realistically, the chances are that I won't be able to do that (due to how BP usually sets things up lol) ~ but a gal can hope right?? ;)

    I love reading the different strategies here with cloud row items verses items stored in parks! Gives me a lot of good info to think over! (And I promise to do so in more depth... one of these days lol!) Right now, there are certain areas of my farm I just call good as I know they will take up too much of my time if I try to think any harder about them lol! (And those college papers sure don't write themselves!)

    Besides I can always pull Cerberus from the cloud row... it's just a bit harder to put him back into a non-existing one! (Plus the idea of 10% less time for growing time for spooky crops, to me (not sure on the reality-math part of this) but it suggests that I will be able to grow approximately 10% more spooky crops per MM... which I can then turn into more Cerberus down the road...) :D;)

    As a side note... I have been so impressed at how well folks here and in broke's thread have been resolving potential conflict peaceably! (It was the other day ~I've not caught up on it atm as it is "spare time" reading lol!) But just wanted to recognize that... way to go guys!
  20. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I also don't care about who's right, but I care a great deal about what's right :D (occupational hazard I'm afraid :p)

    Edit: Here "what" refers only to facts and numbers, not to how you choose to play.
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2014
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