Modify the Farmers Society Customers

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by neily35, May 14, 2015.

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  1. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    When you MAX out your customers to 5 ( it should just keep going up like our levels ) you should be allowed to lose a level to use the refresh (skip waiting) and get new things not use BB's. If your level 1 you can use bb's to skip then. I can skip on one customer 2 times. I have 3 customers with Max 5 so I should be able to skip them ones. For free with the lose a level to skip waiting. Can you make the Farmers Society costumers level just keep going up like our levels? AND Enable Lose a Level to Skip wait time? For Farm orders
  2. feelfree2win

    feelfree2win Forum Master

    hi neily35, i also maxed out a few customers but now have stopped filling orders. i find that buying craft items are much much cheaper to earn exp points. take a bread roll @ 600cc will give you 200ep. thats 3cc for every 1ep. there are others also. you can usually find items that are 3-5cc per ep point. filling out orders was usually costing me 10cc for every 1ep. the animal orders are even a lot higher than that.
    just something to consider, thnx.
  3. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    yes the orders are low I stopped to. I only do the Island ones now. and the camel lady with the trees that's an easy one.
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