moonlight cloud rows

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Nov 8, 2016.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Change how harvest bonuses are reset for moonlight cloud rows.

    Since moonlight events are not regularly scheduled (that is, we get them roughly monthly, but both the days and the length switch frequently), timing them for harvests is difficult. The reset means that its all too easy to miss any benefit from shorter moonlights. A reset/delay makes absolute sense for regular crop/pen/tree benefits, but just not for moonlight, which are already inherently limited.

    For my part, and I suspect others as well, particularly those of us using auto-harvester (read: those of us who have put real MONEY into this game!!), I wind up just getting the EP and basically ignoring the harvest benefits.

    I already suggested changing the category, adding a "moonlight" category. At the time, though, there was only 1 cloud row impacted. Now there are more, and the benefits are more diverse.

    I still would like that, but another possibility would be to eliminate the reset time on these cloud rows, at least for the harvest function. I realize that might have programming issues, since the straight EP/TEP bonus and the buff reset together. Having a no reset (constantly active) or very short reset (reset every 10 minutes, half hour for example), would work well for the buff portion, but would not work for the "straight" EP/TEP bonus portion. Having the EP. etc accumulate until the next moonlight would cause even more problems and would hurt newer players, in particular. (because they need the EP sooner, not later ). Buffs and the "flat" (or scaled per level) bonus portions would have to be treated separately. For that to work, you would essentially have to make one cloud row into 2 (at least for programming, the visuals could stay the same), with the EP portion resetting and the buff staying active/activating whenever moonlight is active (because moonlight is already limited, it could effectively stay active the whole time -- the benefit would only apply when moonlight is active). (to further clarify, you would see the cloud row as we do now. When the givers are placed, the moonlight buff portion would automatically activate and stay active, the "straight" EP/TEP bonus portion would reset just like now)

    I think the new category would be simplest, but having the buff portion of the rows stay "constantly" active would be nice. Either way (and if anyone else has a better approach.. POST IT!!), we need a fix.

    Thank you for your attention.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2016
    sirpippen likes this.
  2. sirpippen

    sirpippen Forum Master

    I second this idea. There are enough Moonlight cloud rows that would warrant a separate category.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 20, 2016