Moonlight mania

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by shetaz71, Jan 22, 2019.

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  1. shetaz71

    shetaz71 Active Author

    I am really surprised that u didn't have a Moonlight Mania with it being a super wolf moon AND a total lunar eclipse!! Its bad enough that u only allow it to happen for 24 hrs and whenever BP feels like it. Its very difficult to try and get anything there when a lot of the items grow for over 5 hrs and it takes quite a lot of them to get! Please consider making this a full time field or actually have it open every month for at least 3 days. Its getting frustrating.
    gardengal and 007Farming like this.
  2. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum General

    I am pretty sure that when I started playing MM always came with the Full Moon. I agree, shetaz71 that they missed a trick by not having a special MM taking in to account and super wolf moon and lunar eclipse. So please let us have MM in tune with the Full Moon again.
    gardengal and 007Farming like this.