Moonlight playfield extension

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by jazzy22, Sep 25, 2017.

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  1. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul


    I'd like to see the Moonlight field opened for a longer period of time each month. 24 hours is just not enough. For example, I need to open bat breeding, but based on the long growing crops and their number requirements, it will take me months and months just to be able to get that feature from Jack's Shop.

    I know it's sometimes opened longer for special events (Halloween is coming up), but that means that I have to forego the event to work on the needed crops for Jack. I'd rather be able to participate in the special event as well.

    Most players who need to open things like bat breeding are fairly early in the game, so we don't have hoards of super-grow, etc. to help move it along. We're stuck waiting for one round of long growing crops -- then it closes. And it doesn't even touch the total needed.

    Could we see the Moonlight area regular (non-event) open time extended on a monthly basis - maybe a few days instead of 24 hours? It shouldn't take half a year or more to achieve a simple goal like bat breeding (or crow breeding, or whatever is needed).

    Even opening it for a few days each month, it will still take months to achieve, but right now it's just far too short to even put a dent in the total needed.

    Thank you.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2017
    leannkat and farmerumf like this.
  2. nm56

    nm56 Forum Duke

    I understand about having to wait months before you can do something. I thought I was saving my Farm Coins for GB's, PF, PS, and whatever pets or new items they put in there but now I need 1,000 to open the 2 areas of Crystal Falls.

    After they add the new areas they might extend it -- or not. But hang in there. When I first started in 2010 there were times that I couldn't afford to pay the small amount to water my crops so I just planted them and let them grow without water.
    leannkat, Moraine and jazzy22 like this.
  3. FarmerDelight

    FarmerDelight Forum Master

    Just a suggestion, you could try using CAC during moonlight mania and plant your crops on all 1x1 plots. If my calculations are correct, you can get 3x more harvest. :)
    Arielh and jazzy22 like this.
  4. jazzy22

    jazzy22 Forum Mogul

    I will give that a try next time, FarmerDelight! :)
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I like it that Moonlight field is open for a brief time, I still haven't unlocked any spooky breeding but it is more fun this way than it would be if we had it open for many days. We would get bored of it.
    Jazac likes this.
  6. Jazac

    Jazac Forum Veteran

    you know after reading some posts about the new things that should be coming to us... i was also thinking we might get bored of it... but then again it really would be just like normal farming... and not so sure we would want that... Maybe each moonlight event we can have it a week instead of a day.. or something to that...

    I am just wondering like if we did get more space, maybe then we wouldn't want it so much... but keep MoonLight as it is..till we really find out what is in store for us coming very soon i guess all we can do is guess at the sounds of it, i think all of us will enjoy it... least i hope we do..