Suggestion More Farm Wheels

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by neily33, Feb 11, 2015.

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  1. neily33

    neily33 Someday Author

    I would like to see some more better prizes. Breed wheel cost 5 tickets to get the first or second breeds of any animal. and you can have CC 2 breeds on the wheel with 10 random others. County Coin Wheel Cost 2 Party tickets. 12 Prizes from All coins and have 2 really high ones, like 10,000 coins and 25,000 coins. For the animal feed and crop i sometimes use all my money and have no money to buy crops to grow to make feed for my animals. Or I turned in quests and gave all my crops.
  2. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Far too complex. The wheel works fine as it is, and we're not starved of benefits. We have plenty already. A progression like this would only take time away from the work being done on things that actually need attention.
    bygo_cris, penguilnz and crzyjoyce like this.
  3. igotfrogs

    igotfrogs Forum Overlooker

    Neily just give yourself time to progress in the game ..... Give your crops time to build up before doing quests ......
  4. crzyjoyce

    crzyjoyce Forum Expert

    I remember when this game was first introduced, there was no farm wheel, you had to work your fingers to the bone to get any progress, there was a weather feature where when it rained if you didn't have poo on crops they would wash away...If you deleted anything it was gone forever and you had to buy it new again. Now we got newbies coming in wanting instant gratification for every little thing... ugh I am tempted to ask the farmerama team to give just a little taste of how things were in the humble beginnings.
  5. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    The farm wheel is not designed nor intended to fix your own mistakes. You are aware of how many crops you have and how much money you have and you are responsible for managing that effectively. If you do not have enough crops to hand in to quests whilst still having some left over to rebuild your supplies, the (I thought) obvious answer is to not hand in your crops until you will have enough left over. Similarly with the animal feed, it is written on your screen how many units of each crop you are donating to make the feed. If you aren't going to have any left over when you finish the batch of feed, make less feed.
    There are already CC prizes available on the farm wheel. They don't need to be big for you to make the most of them. All you need is enough to pay the commission fee on the market, where you can sell your produce and make a profit. Working slowly at the market will get you lots more money. You just need to be patient and you need to learn to manage your resources effectively. Just like in real life.

    The farmwheel is not there to pick up your mess, and I wouldn't want BP spending time working on developing new wheels so that people like you who don't manage their resources smartly can have a drone to fix their mistakes for them.
    penguilnz likes this.
  6. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    There is no need to be nasty. The OP suggested something, and while it's true that the suggestion has a lot of flaws, it doesn't warrant personal attacks. "People like you"? "Not there to pick up your mess"? Jeez.
    neily33 I think you're new to the game...a big part of the game is strategy, and learning how to balance selling vs. keeping. You don't want to sell/donate everything, because then you'll have nothing left. You don't want to keep everything, either, because then you can't advance in the game. The longer you play, the easier it will be to find the balance between the two.