More higher level specific events.

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Dec 13, 2014.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    This is sort of 2 suggestions paired.
    1. offer more higher-level events, BUT pair them with similar lower level events OR post a prominent message, right in the news and in the head page of the event that "this event is specific to higher level players, if you are not able to participate, please be patient. We have lots other events pending"

    I am not a higher level player, but I see a lot of complaints that these events no longer hold interest for higher level players. These players would also be your longer term players, so it makes sense to cater a tad to them. I see demand for higher level breeding events, for example. (might help to ask older players for specific ideas)

    That said, offering a high level event alone is daunting to lower level players, even to the point of making some beginning players (not necessarily aware of the variety of events offered). You can fix this by either offering a lower level event in tandem (maybe which event you get is based on your level, with perhaps some overlap for those "in the middle" . BUT, if that is not possible or just not what you want to do, I think you would help cut down on complaints and dissatisfaction a lot by simply posting up front "hey folks, this event might not be for you, but others will be coming SOON!". Many times people are perfectly understanding of such things if they get a reasonable explanation from the start. Its when they don't know that you get more complaints.

    This notification bit would be particularly appropriate for future harvest events, but also other events.

    PS coral reef is, I am sure, taking a good deal of time. This might be easy to do (particularly the notice part), if you can just tweak prior events a tad, but if not... just "bank" this idea for later.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2014
    msmeow and farmlily3 like this.
  2. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Ambassador

    I agree. Just before the Forum changed, they did start saying how difficult an event would be. Perhaps they could be 'starred' with one star being suitable for newbies up to five stars for the more advanced players. They do say which level you need to be to do each part of an event though. With the farmer's society type events you can just do the first level of each too. However new players may not understand the dynamics of it all - I know I didn't when I started.
    msmeow likes this.
  3. belindamotion

    belindamotion Junior Expert

    The only problem I have with this...and I'm talking about personal experience..:( that the Prizes for the High Level Events are mostly wonderful...:inlove:..and Lower Level Event Prizes are not so much...:oops:..which, at the end of the day, is how it should be..but still doesn't feel nice when you can't get it..or you can but then you have to "empty you'r barn"so to would be nice if they had something where ALL the Prizes were the same, just the amount of each differed per Step and per Diamond..?..:oops:..10PF,30PF and then 50PF...or 3CAC,5CAC and then 10CAC...:oops: but at the moment the scenario is something like 10PF on a Silver Step and some other Prize "linked" to another ridiculously massive amount of "donation" for a Gold Step and then the big Prize of a "Cloud Row" for another unobttainable Diamond Level which if you don't get, renders this entire Event as a loss and you couldn't get the last step...:cry:

    It would be nice and "balance out the scales" if some of the Lower Level Events had the odd stunning prize...:oops:..then I wouldn't feel so miserable when I find myself in a position where the Event is to "rich for me"..but at the moment I'm sitting on the opposite side of the fence, green with envy, watching all the good prizes pass me by...and it's frustrating...:cry:
    farmerumf likes this.
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    That is one reason I mentioned "paired" events.. one available only to lower level players, the other to higher level players. However, I think you said it yourself.. "at the end of the day, it is how it should be". Seeing that there are "better things out there" gives something to shoot for.

    Not all frustration is bad.

    This is part of why I have always liked Party spins and mystery stables/trees -- you have a chance to get something really good, but since everyone is not getting the same thing, it doesn't flood the market. (just my personal preference). As I go higher and get more "goodies" on my own, the attraction is starting to pale.