More land

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by taycramtree, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. taycramtree

    taycramtree Forum Inhabitant

    Would love to see some runes added to the magic tree allowing us to acquire more fields.
  2. smiley2emc

    smiley2emc Someday Author

    that would be a fantastic idea as i am always wishing i had more land lol
    flwrsndnc, Maximusben1 and d5aisy like this.
  3. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    but if we get more land the tasks in the events will ask from us more amounts so I am not sure if something will change:eek:
  4. taycramtree

    taycramtree Forum Inhabitant

    I don't think more land would necessarily equate to larger donations for quests and events. With all of the new animals and trees, there's barely enough room to grow crops anymore.
  5. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I believe it would, because before magical glade was introduced to the game we had to give smaller amounts of goods.
    But I really can understand the reasons that you want more land.:)
    flwrsndnc, penguilnz and Nick like this.
  6. OneCrop35

    OneCrop35 Someday Author

    Great Idea. 5 Levels? More land runes.
    flwrsndnc likes this.
  7. saturnia22

    saturnia22 Forum Great Master

    YES! More land.
    I'm throwing this out here...if higher level players by now have the magical stalk on the go and have nothing or don't use the park at all (like myself) why not make it available for mainland trees? This park has no trees! and no flowers! it's just a patch of grass to plunk decor which isn't inspiring. I think it's an opportunity to give us more space without having to build it into the game. There could be tiny sections for flowers if only a few ep from it you could maintain the park like you would in RL; violets one day and peonies the next. We can buy pavers and benches too to make it a real park and use our own trees for crops at the same time make it something of an individual effort after all it's called a park. I would enjoy puttering with trees and flowers there.
    penguilnz likes this.
  8. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    Yes more land for both, main and island.
    flwrsndnc likes this.
  9. Jools

    Jools Forum Pro

    more land would be nice, but I agree would simply mean higher donations for events.
    If anything, what we need is an orchard

    Personally, with every cloud filled and both my park & shipwreck bay filled to bursting with the highest EP givers I can put on there (and still hundreds more in inv), the last think I want to do with my park is waste it planting low/no EP items. I need as many mainland EP as I can lay my hands on. I just hope the reef doesn't give more BEP.
    jollyfama65, flwrsndnc and bygo_cris like this.
  10. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    Could you make another map we can go to and unlock it for BB's or Something I would like to plant more things. You got events every few days and if I plant a crop that takes 20 hours to grow then I miss some time on that event. You don't get the seeds back if you delete the fields, but if you got the seeds back then I wouldn't care and just remove the seeds and just plant it after the event? I am level 85 I can get it to 17 hours. With water and fertilizer.
    flwrsndnc likes this.
  11. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    Hi neily35,

    You might not realize that this has already been suggested. There are 12 pages of suggestions in this section, and you might want to read through them to see what has already been suggested. It will save you the time and effort of starting threads on things already talked about. :) The suggestion thread about more farm space is:
    bygo_cris and CaliChrome like this.
  12. neily35

    neily35 Regular

    you see the date of that post, wouldn't you like more farm space? , Sep 2, 2014.
  13. steph2014

    steph2014 Forum Pro

    So you feel that, if a suggestion is 7 months old and hasn't been implemented yet by BigPoint, that opening a new thread asking the same question again is the best course of action?
    penguilnz and Arielh like this.
  14. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    neilly, this has been suggested multiple times in multiple ways, including at least one thread I started in which you did comment.
    Try waiting and watching a bit more before posting other suggestions.

    Also, right now, there are some definite big issues pressing, so its unlikely ANY suggestion will be attended to by the programmers soon.
  15. neily35

    neily35 Regular

  16. welshkoiman

    welshkoiman Junior Expert

    give us more room
  17. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Been suggested many, many times. The coral reef has been postponed. Folks have suggested special event fields, fields for trees, fields for wonder pens, normal fields -- etc, etc,

    Last edited by moderator: Aug 17, 2015
    farmingfreebird likes this.
  18. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    We hope for more room, more fields, an orchard! .... oh please bp!
  19. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    Even something as simple as an orchard would be a big help. I completely fill my magical glade and the overflow into my Green Meadow for main farm trees. Over half of the space available to me at this time on Baha is filled with trees!! Orchards would do the trick and satisfy most needs for more space!! :)
  20. Willow

    Willow Commander of the Forum

    :DThe orchard idea is a great solution! There would not be more fields for growing event crops, if that is a problem for BP, as it would be tree only.