More land

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by taycramtree, Sep 2, 2014.

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  1. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I would even love 2 orchard fields... one large one for Jumbo trees, and one gigantic one for ALL the other "normal sized" trees....
    and i don't mind if drops for events will increase too... :music:
    But ANY room, field, they add will make me a happy farmer! :inlove:
  2. bygo_cris

    bygo_cris Count Count

    I agree. We want (we need) more space in main and Baha, but especially in main farm. So pretty please BP!!!!!
  3. oldman49

    oldman49 Exceptional Talent

    u have the island fixed great, now just one more move, another field for the main farm
    the oldman49
  4. This has been an eternal cry from players since the game started. One field, meadow, park, Bahamarama, Glade, Artisan village, Cloud, second Baha field, Shipwreck Bay - never enough land.

    Moonlight Mania every month, also meant something different, and was fun.

    I remember the great excitement and sheer job when the Glade was opened. Such a relief to have somewhere to put some of the pens and trees from overflowing inventories, and free up land for more fields; the tree and stars were a superb innovation. Completely revamped the Bahamarama aspect, a new city and they brought in the dynamic market and it did improve the game.

    Then the fantastic new Artisan village with uses for crops which gave back benefits for the players. I have them all open, but too time consuming to keep producing, so tend to make on a desultory basis and buy what I need in the market.

    All to the good - but they also started the mystery trees and pens (I think around the same time or shortly after), which meant back to square one with overflowing repositories of unused trees, pens and deco. Then we were told a new 'land' for our decorations as an overflow from the Park - and we got the cloud, which isn't exactly what they promised, however, players got used to it. However, it morphed into mainly event specific cloud rows, thus rather negating the original intent.

    Breeding came in and gave an impetus to players to purchase power feed - not much use before that, except to speed up pen time - great a new and fun event every month or so. Still one of my favourites along with mystery trees, but that's only because I love trees - I don't ever buy pens any more.

    Now, once again the need for a new field is pressing, especially for the higher level players, and as an aim for newer gamers to give them some goal, other than just clocking up the EP and clogging up their inventories.

    I don't mind if it's just for trees or fields, though the best would be a general mixed field along the lines of the Glade and Bahamarama, where you have to use stars or event prizes to open up new parts. This would reinvigorate any players who don't want to give up the farm, but having reached levels 90 - 99, which I and all of my neighbours have, aren't as enthused with it as we once were.

    Event crops, only good for events. New trees and pens which produce crops and animals, which are only useful for selling at market. How many would be noticed if they weren't there?

    Neon pens - yaaaaah, but after you have one of each, what then - no room for more.

    I like this game, which is why I'm still a player after nearly six years, but my first thought when I saw the 'Armadillo' feed in the mill and market yesterday was 'What on earth are the developers thinking. Why are they turning it into a pseudo zoo, or one of those wildlife parks, it's a farming game'.

    There are apparently 30 million registered users world-wide and possibly the developers think the way forward is more of the same. More trees that are effectively the same style every time, with just a different name, slightly altered fruit or blossom and a tweaked curve. More pens which bear not even a remote connection to a farm, and many of which languish unused in many inventories because the feed requirements are too high and the returns too low to breed. More decorations which go towards getting more EP or languish unused and unseen, because we've too many already).

    Which brings me to a final point - what is the aim of this game? What do the developers believe gamers play for? More EP to get ever higher levels or to play what used to be described as the 'cutest farming game on the net'. There are some whose sole aim is to accumulate as much EP/CC as possible; but most of us just want to entertain ourselves with a very enjoyable farming game.

    So, can we have an event that instead of more of the same, gives us something to strive for, something to aim for, something that we really, really want to achieve - more land on which to put our plethora of existing trees and pens and fields. And at the same time, something that will use more of the crops, animals, birds and fruits etc that we produce and don't seem to have any purpose other than to give the developers something to design.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
  5. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Just to add to the need for new lands... I like to put out one of each pen and tree. My green glad filled up a while ago, magic meadow is now full as well. I still have some space in my main meadow for the extra pen or crop field I can use to fill various quests, but at this rate, it won't take long before that, too is filled.

    I think there are bigger issues keeping farmerama from growing right now (my opinion voiced in feedback thread). We did just get some new Baha land. Maybe regular land is next.. but again, other issues are fundamental and must be fixed, first! (or along with this).
  6. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    Didn't want more land before the rainforest, and certainly don't want even more.
    Last edited: Sep 25, 2015
    baw815 likes this.
  7. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    More land just means more clicking to get to and from. It is already tedious trying to get through a complete harvest. Make the land we have more economical. Stop adding new animal pens every month, the number of animals we have there that I don't want on my real life farm is mind blowing. I liked it better when it was a FARM game.
    flwrsndnc, amygirl, julie1013 and 6 others like this.
  8. Sweet_Cassiopeia

    Sweet_Cassiopeia Forum Overlooker

    I can barely get my lands harvested before my 10 minute pet bonus runs out as it is. If we get more land, the requirements for events and quests will just go up and up and up.......
    Doc425, Bhodho, julie1013 and 3 others like this.
  9. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Ambassador

    I would like new land which is purely for MM and events. Only that land would be used so we would never had to up-root everything ever again. The events could be of various difficulty, with an appropriate special crop to grow. It would not be possible to put any other stuff on it. Drops would only come from that land too so that newcomers would not be at a disadvantage from not having Baha (for example) open. The land would be there right from the beginning so newcomers could start straight away.
  10. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    farmerumf, they did something like this on FantasyRama. It only opened up when it was time for it, nothing to root up and could plant all the specific trees and crops there. They were also for sale on the market. ;) But I like the idea of using it for events too, especially only getting drops from there.
    Doc425 likes this.
  11. farmerjock

    farmerjock Forum Apprentice

    I have never played any other games than this one. Was it popular? (not the game itself, but the separate field for events)
  12. baw815

    baw815 Forum General

    farmerjock, they never use that separate field for events. I am sorta glad they don't it has less room than any other field.
  13. welshkoiman

    welshkoiman Junior Expert

    i know u give us the new mm field bravo. but i for one got enough trees to fill all my fields enough animals to fill all my fields and a lot of quests u give us more animals or more trees PLZ GIVE US FIELDS TO GROW TREES AND REAR ANIMALS FIRST
    Doc425, baw815 and farmingfreebird like this.
  14. swCactus1

    swCactus1 Padavan

    heh ~ I'm a new player and I already agree with you. Because of the sheer # of trees, veggies, animals & workshops, there's no room for them. Already I'm having to clear entire fields of whatever is there & installing whatever I need to work on a current quest.
  15. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    As soon as a new field opens up it is filled and we need more land.

    I have designated two spaces for each animal (one for the pen and one for the workshop). If I don't have a workshop I put two of the pens out. This takes up the Green Meadow and the Magical Glade and part of the Main Farm. I also use part of the Main Farm for animals that require more than one pen to provide the animals needed to produce the workshop item (i.e. Cuckoos, etc.). My trees have one space per type of tree and this takes up two fields (along the edges). The other field is used to plant extras of those that are needed to complete quests or Scented or trees that make cc's (Cow Milk, Honey, Goat Milk, etc.).

    This doesn't leave much room for growing crops.

    I would like an orchard or possible to be able to stack trees. This would not be the same as stacking for regular, XL or XXL. If you had an Apple tree you would be able to stack 10 regular Apple trees in one space, or 10 XL or 10 XXL. As long as the trees were the same you could stack them in one space.

    More land would also be nice but without a Harvest Helper it might take too much time. I have more than one farm and have been thinking about quitting one because of the time required.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
    farmingfreebird and Doc425 like this.
  16. Aetheria14

    Aetheria14 Regular

    I second Mir, I do not want more land. For me this is a game because it is a logic puzzle to decide everyday what I want to do and how to achieve it within the game's limits. Giving me the ability to endlessly grow/hoard more and more will minimize the fun of overcoming a challenge.
    -Mir85- likes this.
  17. Mni104

    Mni104 Forum Greenhorn

    It's super entertaining and exciting that every month now we're having new species of animals and trees, that's awesome. But it's completely impossible to keep even one of each available stable, workshop and a couple of trees of each kind up all the time, because there's simply NO SPACE. Rainforest I adore because I'm able to keep a field for only crops. No way I can do that on my main zone. I keep subtracting from crop fields so every time I harvest I get less and less and events with crops become super hard to complete, or I have to put everything on hold to just focus on crops.
    Maybe dedicated fields... Like cloud rows where you get specific space for each kind of stable/workshop maybe with a bonus for having them there and then if someone needs extra of any, they can put them on their regular fields... and then you'll know for sure if you're missing some kind of animal or something and go get it in trade events and such....
    Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
    And... just to reply my the post before mine... don't see it as hoarding if I can't even harvest enough to keep my animals fed... :( don't have the space
    Doc425 and farmingfreebird like this.
  18. Aetheria14

    Aetheria14 Regular

    As several clever people have pointed out on this forum, it is impossible to grow enough feed to just keep breeding animals given the long mill times on the island. I just spent a stupid amount of ccs on tropical animal feed because I do not have a mill subscription and I choose to mostly just breed animals on the island. For me growing animals is more fun than crops. It is a choice to grow and breed everything your farm needs, and I understand that is a super big challenge right now. After reading from others on this forum, I immediately stopped doing that, because I gave myself different challenges to tackle. I agree it is nearly impossible to try to do everything and I am very impressed that you and so many others are trying to do it. I am not arguing that more land isn't very nice to have, I love the Rainforest and the new MM field. I am noting that giving me more land will not be beneficial to me, because more land will mean making more, not less, decisions on how to play, and I already have a bad case of FOCD. That is why I really love events that have a special crop to grow or need drops - I just clear out everything and go for it. Makes harvesting super easy, not fifty different harvest times to account for.
    Willow, Doc425 and -Mir85- like this.
  19. queen

    queen Forum Apprentice

    I for one would like to see a place just for trees. I am finding it difficult to keep enough land for crops. When I remove a few trees to make room, I spend too much time trying to remember which ones I took out as I have slowly removed a trees occasionally. Land ONLY for trees would help.

    thequeen09ID: 29978062
  20. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I think everybody would just LOVE the orchard. No difficulty in what to put on it, as it's meant for trees only..... Should be easy, one would think ;) pleeeez bp!