More than 5!

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by Kim.com2000, Dec 29, 2014.

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  1. Kim.com2000

    Kim.com2000 Active Author

    Hello Farmers!

    It is KC here and i have a request for the trades! we are only allowed to use 5 products a day to level up our choice or choices of trade! I am willing to to talk to the farmerama team if you guys are! i want to be able to use 8 products a day not 5. I am so close to leveling up and i need your help! i requested this to the customer assistance but they are only here for in game issues so i am reaching out to all of you guys! who is with me?! :D

    penguilnz likes this.
  2. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    There is always going to be someone who is close to levelling up, no matter how many products we can use per day. Sure, it could increase to 8, but maybe someone would need to use a ninth product to level up. The point I'm making is, being close to levelling up doesn't really seem like a valid reason to increase the number of products we can use per day because there is always going to be someone who needs it to increase a little further. Moreover, BP can't just hand us easy solutions on a silver platter. The intention of the artisan trades is that you master the craft to level up. It's excellent that we can consume a few products a day to speed up the process of levelling up, but consuming those products is not the intended primary way of progressing. In a perfect world, every harvest would be worth 3 times the amount of EP we currently get, and buffs would work for double the time, and animal feed would take seconds, not hours, to mill - but that's not the point of the game. The point is to work to progress, and handing us more easy ways to effectively benefit without earning our success doesn't seem to be the point of the game to me.
  3. Kim.com2000

    Kim.com2000 Active Author

    squigglegiggle i respect your opinion but that does not mean i agree with it! i partly do and partly don't i was making a suggestion and i know deep down you agree

  4. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    And I have no issue with you making a suggestion :D I simply don't agree with what you are proposing, that's all.

    You say that deep down I agree - unfortunately that is not the case. Like I said, in a perfect world, we would be given more of everything - more EP, more drop items, more BB, more products to level up with, more CC, more animals, more crops, more more more. I would like to level up in my bakery and confectionery faster, yes. But what I would love, more than more EP, more drop items, more products to level up with, more CC, more animals, more crops, is something for me to actually do in this game. Like earn my EP, earn my drop items, earn my BB, earn my confectionery level, earn my CC, earn my animals, earn my crops.
    This isn't a game any more if the only interaction we have is to input our free gifts in exchange for a shiny new level. You wouldn't actually be doing anything if BP made levelling up easier and easier, faster and faster.

    You say you want to be able to eat more products each day because you're "so close to levelling up". Well, let me give you an example. I am so close to levelling up on Bahamarama. I would like BP to increase the EP value of cinnamon by...5. Let's say they do that. Now, that's all good and well, but in maybe a week's time, I'll be "so close" to levelling up again. Or, my neighbour will be so close to levelling up. Or someone on the forum will be so close to levelling up. And once again, one of us will want the EP value of cinnamon to increase by 5 - because that will make it easier for us to level up, faster for us to level up. And my question to you is, why? Why must you level up now? Why is it a bad thing to earn your EP today and complete the total tomorrow (or in your case, eat your 5 products today and finish the total tomorrow)?

    I do not necessarily think that increasing the number of products we can use is a bad thing. I merely believe that your reason for wanting it to increase is invalid, and moreover, unnecessary. Most of all, I question where you believe the work will be in the game if BP continues to add features that make everything easier, faster, and more streamlined.
  5. Kim.com2000

    Kim.com2000 Active Author

    I NEVER said earning your own EP was bad dont twist my words to make this more than it ought to be! i agree with earning things and collecting them ALL OURSELVES and i get where you are coming from and yes this is a game and that is all i want it to be

  6. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    I don't feel that I am twisting your words, but apologise if that's how you feel. I believe (and I may be wrong) that I was merely taking your words to their logical conclusion. To me, it seems like you are saying you want to be able to use more products per day because it will contribute more EP to the confectionery and you can therefore level up faster. I was merely suggesting that the point of the game is that we earn our level on the confectionery, and the 5 products per day is intended to supplement that, not be the primary process for levelling up.

    Now, it may be that I am misunderstanding what your point is. I have understood your post to mean that you want to be able to contribute more products towards the confectionery because it will make levelling up easier and faster. Is this correct? If so, it therefore seems logical to me that you are unprepared to make your own goods for points, and would prefer to be able to donate goods in order to level up. I am merely suggesting that this is not the point of the game - that the point is to earn our way, and supplement our own work with the donation of goods. If I have misunderstood, then I have one simple question to ask:

    Why does the number of goods we can donate need to increase, when you can earn those points yourself?
    Cassie101, abubadi66 and CaliChrome like this.
  7. Kim.com2000

    Kim.com2000 Active Author

    Ok i accept your apology. i would make my own stuff but it would take me about a year or longer to increase my level and i do make my own stuff i just NEVER have enough sugar to do so

    abubadi66 likes this.
  8. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    Not entirely sure what I had to apologise for but if you're good, that's all that matters :D To increase your sugar drops, try using 1x1 plots, planting more trees, and moving your trophies around if you don't have the Living Legend Rune. Also try to get your hands on sugar trees. I'm not sure if you can get them from Wonder Seedlings or not, but you could try to find someone who would be willing to gift you one in G&T. Alternatively, let your neighbours know that your gift of preference is sugar. You can also buy sugar from the store under farm supplies --> crafting trade. There is also the farmwheel, and you may be able to win some from FSQ.
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 31, 2014
    Cassie101, BlackCaviar and CaliChrome like this.
  9. Kim.com2000

    Kim.com2000 Active Author

    what is g and t

    and what is FSQ

    Thank you you are very kind :D;):p

    Last edited by moderator: Dec 31, 2014
  10. squigglegiggle

    squigglegiggle Forum Overlooker

    G and T is gift and trade. You would have been around for at least one, most likely, given that you've been in this game for two years. FSQ is Farmer's Society Quests.

    Also, just a reminder (because they are brutally pedantic on this forum!) that you can't double (or in this case, triple) post - you have to edit your post. This means you can't post two comments in a row, if no one has posted after you then you have to edit your comment.
    Cassie101 likes this.