Moustache Salon

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by kippenberg, Dec 19, 2015.

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  1. kippenberg

    kippenberg Forum Apprentice

    I wonder if it is possible to make the cuckoo requirement for the moustache salon lower. It is still at 8 cuckoos while all the other production workshops seem to require only 1 or 2. The 8 number made sense when we were getting cuckoos as drop items from all stables and had hundreds to use, but now that we have to raise our own cuckoos, or buy them, shouldn't the number be reduced? I was half way through the moustache quest before I realized that the reason I was always short on cuckoos was the number required to start production, and I was spending much more on buying the extra cuckoos than I got back from the rewards.
    farmlily3, Greek-Guy and sanddollar15 like this.
  2. dixiefarms

    dixiefarms Forum Apprentice

    Doubt that will change so I worked on a Pink Moustache Salon so that I get 2 of them for the 8 cuckoos. Before I had the pink I sold
    cuckoo feed and used the profits to buy moustache. It's just like Cheese, Masks, Shimmery Powder, Snorkels etc, you have to just work around it.
    mingling, JJenks, julie1013 and 2 others like this.
  3. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    8) Really good idea, kippenberg! :) You've put your finger right on an ongoing problem. It's a similar problem with geese.

    Hope BP takes note of the solution!!:)
    pickles60 and sanddollar15 like this.