Movie theatre alternative?

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Nov 15, 2014.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    First, I want tho truly thank you for the most recent series of "movies" -- a series of quizzes and informational slides on diabetes and other medical issues. If even one person reads that and takes action, you will have saved a life!

    Add that with the fact that some areas are not able to show videos and I thought maybe you could do 2 things at once, as a public service that will also help folks in the game.

    I realize that doing special slide shows and such for some players might be difficult, but what about just offering a short translation followed by a code or some such just for those countries not able to get movies? I am not saying anything really equivalent, or that it would be really worth your time to generally do this. However, in this case you could do an important service of educating folks. One slide show on diabetes, another on MS or heart disease. I realize you would not just have to have translation, but also a bit of cultural help (perhaps). Stilll, if you save lives... granted, this game is for fun (which, by-the-way, let me not minimize. Fun is a wonderful way to ease stress), still, I think it would be worthwhile.

    Also, maybe I am wrong, but I am guessing you would have a few more people stepping forward to help with such a public service issue more than you would for strictly game issues? (and the same quizzes or slides could be used for all BP games, since you would pretty much have to create it as separate entity that is only linked from the game.. or the specific language forums, so you could draw on the entire BP community, not just Farmera).

    Anyway, just a thought....
    jennifersiegel likes this.