Mystery Science Lab v2

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by sueperkins, Oct 12, 2022.

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  1. sueperkins

    sueperkins Forum Connoisseur

    I'll try and start this one.

    First off, this will take place on the Main Farm and the Green Meadow. You need to grow 5.5 hour Gear Plants. There are 2 different drop types, that come from crops and trees only from the same two fields, Gadgets and Jumper Cables.

    You need to make Pressure gauges in the mill.

    1 Pressure gauge = 415 Gears + 17 gadgets + 6 sunflowers.

    They will give you one pressure gauge to start.

    You will need 52 to play enough minigames to get the cloud row.

    This means you need 21,165 Gears + 867 Gadgets + 306 Sunflowers

    The jumper cables will allow you to swap playing cards in the minigame.

    Given the Medium-Hard rating I think that the drop rate is not going to be great. I suggest planning ahead with long crops/trees.

    I will let someone else explain the mini game mechanics.
  2. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    Thank you superkins. I forgot that a new event will be starting tomorrow. Seeing your thread made me realise it. But my fields are full of stalls. I think I will put up crops tomorrow morning for the drops.

    Here is how the mini games work.


    From our FAQ.
  3. ç.çiftçi

    ç.çiftçi Forum Great Master

    Thanks sueperkins. My old computer was always causing problems, but today it went crazy, I couldn't stay in the game, I hope it doesn't continue like this, the event will be very difficult for me.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2022
  4. PrairieMaiden23

    PrairieMaiden23 Regular

    c.ciftci - I think the constant logging out was because BP was performing maintenance. Didn't affect me much as I was asleep during the maintenance window, but for farmers in Europe, it was early morning to early afternoon.

    I'm not sure if I'm going to do this one or not. I think I will do as much as I can tomorrow. After that, I'm on the road for 3 days, so no way to farm except first thing in the morning and in the evening - and only if the motels where we stay have decent connectivity. Not going to hold my breath on that.

    There are some nice prizes including some season points, darn it!

    Thanks for starting the strategy thread, SuePerkins! You did just fine!

    So now, my pointers - don't waste precious BBs opening that lower case thing on the right early - it doesn't help at all. In fact, I wouldn't mind if we could choose not to use it.

    Also - placement strategy - pick a side - left or right and focus on placing as many things in that area as possible. There will be outliers, but I try to place the little critters and then plunk the stuff on them. While you get more point for having a variety of gewgaws on your alien, honestly, just get the aliens decorated. As many as you can. If the game gives you nothing but eyeballs, then make as many eyeballed aliens as you can. Better to have completed aliens of any combo than to not have completed aliens. (hope that made sense)
  5. Noelle20001

    Noelle20001 Forum Duke

    While the CR does appeal to me, RL just isn't likely to let me do this one. I'm not crazy about the game mechanics as there is so much luck involved and my luck stinks.
    dumbunny and sanddollar15 like this.
  6. illy1996

    illy1996 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks sueperkins for starting this thread. ;)

    I am going to skip this one. For me, the prizes don't really appeal and to get anywhere near the last prize (a Piccolo Box which might but probably won't conceal a BB tree!) would take exceptional skill in the mini-game and a lot of crops/drops. I'm going to crack on with those last few FSQs that take gazillions of crops and wait till the next event. :music:
    Good luck to those going for it. :)
    Sister3, AniE, Sue46 and 2 others like this.
  7. Solatido

    Solatido Forum Master

    I'm sitting this one out as well. I really don't like this mini-game much and I want to continue restocking my barn and finishing up some Farmer Quests. I've been working on the ones that take animals and, as always, we don't get drops for animal stalls.

    Good luck to everyone going for it!
    Sister3, farmerumf, dumbunny and 2 others like this.
  8. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Thanks sueperkins for starting the thread and 12ss12 for posting how the mini game works! I too am NOT a fan of this type of mini game. BUT I will give it a go because I can! lol Good luck, whatever your goal is!:music:
    dumbunny likes this.
  9. upa70

    upa70 Forum Mogul

    i will be doing this event...but only the 52 games to get the cloud row up and running...although its not that special but i will collect 2 grave candle trees along the worth it i guess.
    as for the bonus rewards...hate these formats. its all purely luck, no skill involved. you get what you are given and have to work with that. :(
    from memory, chances of getting the perfect combo enough times to get anywhere near the piccolo box are.....rare to impossible

    but its that proverbial carrot again, dangling in front of those with blinkered eyes....i can make it....i could make it....~edit~, im not going to make it!-.-

    leave the carrot alone...look down and there's probably something just as nice right by your feet and more accessible xD

    well ive got to eat my own words:p
    ive only gone and finished it all ...completely....even got the piccolo box. leveling up between the prizes wasn't so bad this time...think maybe bp have altered this;)
    helped having a harvest boost from the farmwheel and a plant booster in my inventory.
    .......i made it!xD
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
    AniE, MeadowCrossing, Sue46 and 4 others like this.
  10. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I forgot to prepare my fields for crops. Only an hour before, I remembered that I planned to do it this morning and now its evening 5.15. So drops might be in single digit. I think I should grow an overnight crops for drops. I got all the required refinement for crocus plant except the combo fertilizer love refinement. I think zerodegree said that that crop refinement gives instant growth without the help of any cloudrow. I am very eager to test it. By the time I get the refinement I think I will replenish my Super grows reserve too. Can't wait for that last refinement. 'Just you wait'
    Last edited by moderator: Oct 13, 2022
    zerodegrees, upa70 and sanddollar15 like this.
  11. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    In the light of day, I'm realizing it's completely futile for me to even try to do this event...sitting this one out.
  12. -Päärynä11

    -Päärynä11 Forum Overlooker

    I'll do this so far as I can. I remembered to prepare for this event, but I completely forget new MM plants and planted old ones. Hopefully I remember to plant them after next harvest. :p
  13. 12ss12

    12ss12 Living Forum Legend

    I have put overnight crop of crocus for drops. Without that one refinement of combo fertilizer love and CRs and with the 2 crafting products that reduces the growing time of flowers along with water and manure it is just 10 hrs 2 mins to grow. It is great for a 21 hrs crop. Let's see how much drops it gives.

    As I said before I did not prepare for the event. So I got 13, 4 drops respectively from harvest. xD

    I remembered to plant the 2 new MM crops.:D


    Finished the event. :)
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2022
  14. Nuubi-Joonas2210

    Nuubi-Joonas2210 Forum Commissioner

    I've already completed this whole event so I have NO need for neighbor gifts, you can give your free gifts to other neighbors! Nothing else thanks.

    It took me 62 games to play through the entire game, or an average of 210.3 points from each game. The best individual result was 277 points. (use 10 re-draws when have 3 different "layers" ready in same spot and need "only" a last burger/bun and have 261 points -> no burger/bun and no record points 296...)
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  15. porkchop2

    porkchop2 Padavan

    did anyone else have game freeze? I also had one game piece come up and when I placed it another showed up. Thought I was crazy the first time but it happened several times in it between 4 farms.
  16. mindy1701

    mindy1701 Count Count

    After 59 games, I'm finished - cloud row up and running and Piccolo box safely tucked away in the barn. Guess I was fortunate to not experience game freeze or any other glitches. All was smooth throughout the event.
    sanddollar15 likes this.
  17. zerodegrees

    zerodegrees Forum Overlooker

    Finished after 52 games resulting in 13,314 points.

    Could've reached the Piccolo with 51 games but I accidentally clicked the swap button at exactly the wrong time in one game and flushed a whole lot of bonus points down the toilet. Then I messed up another game where I placed the card in the wrong spot and ruined my carefully laid plans for the rest of that game - more bonus points down the toilet. :wuerg:

    Best score out of six 300+ pt games:


    As always, I will end this event with a vow to do better next time in this game of skill. ;)

    Tip for those who are unfamiliar with the mini-game: If you try to swap cards towards the end of the game, you will often (though not always) get the same useless card over and over again no matter how many times you swap. This is because there's a predetermined number of cards available to draw from at the beginning of the game which progressively shrinks with each card you place, and the selection becomes extremely limited when you go to place your last card. Doesn't matter if you switch over to the other card slot because they're both drawing from the same pool of cards. It's a feature, not a bug, so it's up to each player to work this aspect of the game into their strategy. Otherwise, it'd be too easy to get those high scores. :p

    That's right, no CR needed for instant crocus but in addition to the two SG refinements for crocus, you also need the growth boost rune, fruit cake and white innocence.
    Last edited: Oct 19, 2022
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