Name, Place, Animal, Thing

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by 12ss12, Jun 7, 2021.

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  1. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    Name: Barbara
    Place: Bali
    Animal: Bull
    Thing: Book

    Next: M
    Bisquitte and chocomallow like this.
  2. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Name: Mihoko
    Place: Minato
    Animal: Marmot
    Place: Mongolia

    Next: Q
    farmlily3, Bisquitte and chocomallow like this.
  3. chocomallow

    chocomallow Junior Expert

    Name: Quinn
    Location: Quito
    animal: Quelea
    thing: Quilt

    Next: S
    farmlily3 and Bisquitte like this.
  4. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    o_Ops, just noticed I did two Places and left out a thing for M (blush) - how about - Map :D

    Name: Suzanna
    Place: South Pole
    Animal: Seahorse
    Thing: Sawhorse

    Next: A
    farmlily3 and Bisquitte like this.
  5. xiop

    xiop Active Author

    Name: Alice
    Place: Andorra
    Animal: Angelfish
    Thing: Aquarium

    Next: D
    chocomallow, farmlily3 and Bisquitte like this.
  6. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    Name: David
    Place: Dubai
    Animal: Deer
    Thing: Dancing

    Next: A
    chocomallow and Bisquitte like this.
  7. xiop

    xiop Active Author

    Name: Alexandre
    Place: Armenia
    Animal: Armadillo
    Thing: Apricot

    Next: N
    farmlily3, chocomallow and Bisquitte like this.
  8. farmlily3

    farmlily3 Forum Freak

    Name: Nancy
    Place: Nevada
    Animal: Antelope
    Thing: Air

    Next: L
    chocomallow and Bisquitte like this.
  9. xiop

    xiop Active Author

    Name: Leandra
    Place: Lisboa
    Animal: Ladybug
    Thing: Letter

    Next: F
    Bisquitte likes this.
  10. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Name: Fiona
    Place: France
    Animal: Fox
    Thing: Fence

    Next: X
    Bisquitte likes this.
  11. (B00KREaDEr)

    (B00KREaDEr) Someday Author

    name: Vanessa
    place: victoria
    animal: vole
    thing: vacuum

    next: H
  12. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Name: Henry
    Place: Hampshire
    Animal: Horse
    Thing: Hat

    Next: X (will try again) ;)
  13. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Well, guess a V is half an X :D
    sanddollar15 and (B00KREaDEr) like this.
  14. (B00KREaDEr)

    (B00KREaDEr) Someday Author

    lol! i didnt see that one:oops::p
    MeadowCrossing likes this.
  15. sanddollar15

    sanddollar15 Living Forum Legend

    Name: Xavier
    Place: Xalapa (in Mexico)
    Animal: Xenops _a bird
    Thing: X-ray

    Next: W
    farmlily3 and MeadowCrossing like this.
  16. (B00KREaDEr)

    (B00KREaDEr) Someday Author

    Name: Willie
    Place: Whales
    Animal: wombat
    Thing: whisk

    next: L
    farmlily3 likes this.
  17. xiop

    xiop Active Author

    Name: Leonor
    Place: Lagos, PT
    Animal: Llama
    Thing: Lace

    Next: N
    farmlily3 likes this.
  18. (B00KREaDEr)

    (B00KREaDEr) Someday Author

    Name: Nelly
    Place: Namibia
    Animal: Numbat
    Thing: Nest

    Next: J
    farmlily3 likes this.
  19. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Ambassador

    Name: Joy
    Place: Japan
    Animal: Jabiru
    Thing: Jellybeans

    Next: U
    farmlily3 likes this.
  20. Eonn

    Eonn Someday Author

    Name: Ursula
    Place: Ulan Bator
    Animal: Unicorn
    Thing: Umbrella

    Next: Y
    MeadowCrossing and farmlily3 like this.
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