Neon's ready set go

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by mingling, Jan 2, 2016.

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  1. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    I was hanging out in the market, and I now find myself in a race to snag a breeding animal, I get one if it is in my can afford this much area. But the other farmer is buying pages at a time and it hit me, they are going for neon’s.

    Now, I am itching to see a field of them, but not on my farm in the next few years…. But why not see them as upper level farm pictures as they can get them now.

    Why not have farmer quest or a contest just for the upper farmers, the first one’s to cover a main field in neon’s gets a present fitting them?
    I can guess at things as I can only dream of that field, but they can suggest items they want.
    Just a random thought……