New Alchemist

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by woody, Feb 17, 2016.

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  1. Banjoman

    Banjoman Forum Ambassador

    At least with the Alchemist trade, unlike the other trades, you don't have to make the 'base' recipe to produce the Buff.
    BTW... the 5000+ mandrakes I had built up are gone and I am half way through level 3.
    Willow, mingling, JJenks and 3 others like this.
  2. mingling

    mingling Forum Baron

    Good going Banjoman, I only made it to level 2, I had some roses from playing with refinements. A good thing thou I am up to rune 3 and will build the crops at this point till I get all 5 of the runes.
    my mandrakes are not that strong but I'm working on it!
    I too like the no base recipes, all my other crafts are on hold till I build the base recipes up so no mixing for me for a bit.
    I'm looking forward to boosting the "other" crops seems everything I am using is other lol.
  3. SuzeeRabbit

    SuzeeRabbit Old Hand

    Anyone that finds the math too complicated... Try experiments. A 10h crop w/o buffs is... 10h. w/ water 8h, w/ water and manure... Keep track of the times, more important than crop name. Use a paper and pencil notebook if nothing else. A chart showing 5m, 10m, 30m, 45m, 1h... gives you a good idea of the time reductions. A 5h crop time is 5 * 1h. It's more complicated with CRs and refinements so... maybe a list of all the crops and all the buffs, eventually. That's a pretty big spreadsheet. LOL!

    Alunito, I had you in the Farmerama "Yearbook" as The Player Most Likely To... make good use of the Alchemist. ;)

    I was so sick and exhausted I had trouble making sense of some posts in this thread. I did do some research but had neither time nor energy to post until now. I'm not sure how much sense my post today is going to make but... TY all for your well wishes.

    (For anyone that doesn't want to read the rest of my reply to FBroke and others.)
    SMV should be completely eliminated from the game. It is useless. It appears to be a hold over from the OLD Market when there were high and low limits to Market prices. I believe the change over was in... 2012 or 2013. The fact that it shows up some places and not others means the programmers are using two different variables or code (old and new) for the default market price. Sloppy. So glad they aren't working at my bank!
    It could be ignored but it does affect some players, as already mentioned, that don't know how to change the price or that it can be changed. We should campaign to eliminate it but based on previous experiences with the Farmerama programmers it's safer to just ignore it.

    EV has two uses: one, for donation value; two, to calculate the relative price of similar items, Unit Pricing. For instance: Few years ago I was using it to decide which animals to buy to finish my critter trophy and when to buy them.

    Bottom Line: The FAQs need to be updated for consistency. I'm pretty sure the FAQs in this discussion were copied from the old forum. If I were a MOD I would take that on as a project because having the old info in current FAQs... confusing. Because things like that annoy the heck out of me.

    I don't spend much time in the Market and only sell enough to keep some coins in the coffer. So I looked at my barn and oddly not ALL of my Trade Products are in the barn, only the basic recipes that aren't in the Pantry or Market. Obviously, it doesn't affect the way I play the game. So if Trade Product is in it's final form and usable or salable it is not in the barn.
    If I need the EV for something I check in the barn, quickest, easiest source. If I don't have the item I can buy one or ask someone on the forum.
    The shorter the crop or animal time the less you will benefit from any time reduction. I don't bother to water chickens or crops shorter than 2h unless I'm really in a hurry and will be around to reap the benefit of time reduction. I mostly use buffs on the longest crops/animals, over 12h. That is aside from the CRs.
    Totally agree. I've never used the Spa mixer once. In this case RANDOM is useless.

    The Bakery FAQ Post #8
    List a Value of 29,005 for PPP. On my market I can currently buy one for 7,100 coins. If I go to sell it the "default" offering price is... 29,005. It is not listed in the barn and presumably has no EV.

    The Crops FAQ
    list a PRICE (This would be the price to buy in the Shop) of 3CC for carrots, EV as 2.5CC. Then it lists Maximum Market value as 3.75CC and Maximum Market Value w/ rune as 4.38CC. This was my clue that this information was from the OLD Market. The (new/current) Market does not have those limits. If my faulty memory is correct carrots did sell for 3CC as a default price in the Old Market.
    Similar information for lettuce is (shop) price of 1CC, EV 1, Max MV 1.5, Max MV w/ rune 1.75. The price of lettuce is too high to see the default value but I'm thinking it's 1.
    For Roses it lists 350CC as (Shop) price, 113 as EV, Max MV as 169.5CC, Max MV w/ rune as 197.75. My market selling price is 54CC, if I want to make an offer it defaults to 113. Similar with carnations and spelt.

    Animals FAQ
    lists the price of the coops, kennels, pens... And a price for feed. We don't buy feed at the shop. Currently all the feeds I checked are over the price listed in the FAQ. I don't pay much attention to critters so I don't know which if any is selling lower than default price. I've already spent hours looking at this... don't want to invest anymore time. But it's probably similar to crops.

    So the developers have made changes to the game, free floating market prices, without communicating to the MODs that the FAQs could be changed or are assuming that they will know how to do so. The chart for the Crops is pretty complicated. Not sure that assumption should be made or would be fair. But then we do have some pretty smart MODs. I guess it's a matter of one of them taking on the challenge... Or someone asking in the suggestion box for clarification/updating of the FAQs.

    Personally, I don't see the point in investing anymore time in this. What is IMPORTANT is Market Price v Shop Price v Exchange Value (for donations) v what value I see in the item that I want to sell/buy or use for donation. The info in the FAQ is just the starting point. If I think I can use it I do, if not I ignore it.

    I thought there was an event about... 2013, maybe, where we had to donate products. They were not popular events. Maybe I'm confusing that with early event that required donations of goat milk and such. Perhaps someone with a better memory... Too bad we don't have access to the old forum for reference.

    I'm not going to waste my time worrying about whether or not the products will be asked for in donations. What will be, will be... If I have them in stock, great. If I don't, I will make or buy.

    Or like using PJam/CAC. Interesting to look at it as a square "footage/acreage" perspective. Thanks.
  4. farmer_broke

    farmer_broke Commander of the Forum

    Some of this craft's products are so cheap it's clear to see use of them is beneficial if one remotely glances at the market. As always, this is time reduction and the closer to crop completion one harvests the greater the benefits. I disagree with the statement: "The shorter the crop or animal time the less you will benefit from any time reduction." Take corn for instance. On a single harvest the statement is correct vs. say any long time crop you pick. Provided I harvest on time for the length of the craft item I will compete will and most likely reap greater ccs than a farmer using a longer time crop. Without any computations I know I will have to harvest on time to rea such rewards. It's simply repetitive harvesting on time.

    EV has far more uses that the two you cite: "EV has two uses: one, for donation value; two, to calculate the relative price of similar items." Today those uses are a beginning point. I know you do not play the market and market prices must be used for further analysis. The benefits are unreal and one becomes limited by ones own ability.

    Regarding Suggested Market Value and Exchange Value.

    We recognize there is a difference between the two terms. The reason I don't like the way this is being handled is because the EV of the craft products that have an EV are not disclosed. We haphazardly find them by looking in our barns. I don't believe it is so unintentionally undisclosed either but better I leave that alone. I do have a hypothesis though.
    • There has never been a call for a craft product. (All events have been simple or medium and the day of the difficult event is on the way.) Say that there is for some reason crafts products are called for. How would it be made? Either an item itself or by the EV or by the SMV.
    • If called by item there is no choice but to make it or buy it OR
    • If called by SMV this introduces a new form of calling which I admit is possible. I can only wonder if developers would want to open than can of worms with emphasis on a new term for calling.
    • But if called by EV we have no choice but to make items which when submitted equal that EV. Easy it seems. BUT WE MUST MAKE THEM! And this is where my concern lies.
    I notice how farmers have gone up in level using ALL of their drops. I can only wonder how many of them even had any idea to make the base item and hold it. Why hold it? Because the base items which are not saleable are the only items with an EV. They had the opportunity to be prepared but because of lack of information they did not.

    The massive number of drops are being taken out of the game with no clue.

    I spotted this long ago. Today, most craft products aren't worth what one puts into them anyway. So I leveled my few crafts up using only the base items which have an EV and therefore I have EV with no further effort. MOST DID NOT KNOW TO DO THIS. They did not have fully disclosed information.

    The above is the only hypothesis I have for the use of EV with base craft products only.

    Yes, there have been calls for products such as goats milk, cow milk, parrot feathers, eggs, truffles..... And they have been called either specifically or a general call made with so much EV of products. They all can be purchased on th open market and applied given the use of the term EV. Use EV with craft items and we become limited to the base items we can produce.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
  5. sunshineaz

    sunshineaz Forum Great Master

    I am not sure what I started with, but zipped through all the levels and am at 140,000 on level 4. Just 10k to go and done. had to make more canola.

    I had started in level 1 because I hated using the paint palette.
    Banjoman, baw815 and Brookeham like this.
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