New Farm wheel prize-Super Harvest

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by BeingStella, Oct 7, 2015.

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  1. BeingStella

    BeingStella Padavan

    Do five types of the "Super Harvest" grand prize.
    Have one prize on the prize wheel that makes every tree ready to harvest.
    Have another prize that makes every animal ready to harvest and another prize-the crops and another prize make the giver items ready to harvest, and the last prize would be harvest all the cloud rows.
    Just as random as the scare crows are, program this to do the same. Since the wheel changes with every spin, it should change disappear etc as well making it really special once landed on.
    When a person lands on a grand prize it would be one of Super Harvest prizes making it a really special super prize. Since it is so random the likelihood is one in every 200 or more spins.
    It would be nice if every animal cluck, gaggled or mooed when the prize was struck! Like a big loud cheer from all the farm animals.
  2. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    Sounds good but I think the grand prize should be where you win everything on the wheel.
    farmerumf and BeingStella like this.