New FarmWheel Q&A

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    Due to the launch of the new FarmWheel, the Team has prepared some questions and answers for you.

    Q: What motivated you to create a new farmwheel for the players?
    A: As it was mentioned in a producer newsletter, we’d already started work on the FarmWheel redesign when I (Souni) joined Farmerama. So of course, we followed through to completion. Although we think the farmwheel prizes and probabilities definitely needed to be changed, we would probably not have prioritized a complete redesign - but we are happy with the results, and we hope you will be too. ​

    Q: What is the exact difference between normal mode and party mode?
    A: The normal mode allows players to use their free spins (for example, the free spins they receive from the daily login bonus) just like in the previous wheel. Players will also be able to use their gold spins in the normal mode, since both free (or green) spins and gold spins have always been used for the same wheel and have always had the same reward chances. The new party mode is a completely new mode with completely new reward chances, and has completely new tickets. It’s very important to understand: Party tickets are not replacing gold tickets! They are not the same thing at all.​

    Q: In the old FarmWheel, we saw prizes like 100% harvest bonus, 200% XP bonus…. In the new FarmWheel, the normal mode doesn’t show these prizes. Why do you say that with the new FarmWheel we will have better prizes?
    1. The previous wheel was working with a different system. Before, the best prizes had a very low chance of being won compared to the cheapest prizes, so even if you saw the 100% harvest bonus as one of your 12 potential prizes for a spin, your chances of actually winning it were very small. Now your chance of winning any one of the bubbles is 1 in 12, meaning that if you see a very interesting prize in the wheel you now have a much higher chance to win it than you would have had before. Unfortunately, that means we have to be careful how strong some of the rewards are, since otherwise everybody would get 100% harvest bonuses all the time and we’d all be level 4527439436. :)
    2. There won’t be any more manure or water in the wheel!
    3. Also, the new farm wheel will offer items that are interesting for the player’s level (as a level 80 player, the items shown to me are not the same as if I was a level 3 player). Previously, everybody had the same prize tables regardless of their level. ​

    Q: The gold spins cost currently 2 BB, the party mode tickets cost 8 BB. Why is there such a big jump?
    A: As we mentioned above, gold spins ≠ party tickets! A gold spin is just an extra green spin. We decided to stop selling those for now because we think people should get them for daily logins and other methods in the game. The party spins are completely new and are actually underpriced for their value – give them a shot and you’ll see!​

    Q: What is the FarmWheel sale and will it come more often?
    A: During FarmWheel sales, party tickets are 50% off (4 BB instead of 8 BB), so you can buy more of them and save them for a rainy day or spin the wheel dozens of times in one day as you prefer. At the moment we don’t know how often we will hold them, but if you enjoy the sale, we will probably have it again.​

    Q: Will there be new prizes in the future?
    A: Yes, with the new system, it will be much easier to include new prizes in the wheel as we add content to the game.​

    The FAQ of the new FarmWheel will be posted as soon as possible - thank you for your patience.

    Your Farmerama Team
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