new field type, for events

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Jun 19, 2015.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    If I already posted this, I apologize.

    Starting an event near its start can be very important, particularly for lower level players. However, because we all live in different time zones, have various work schedules, etc, some people are able to do this easily and others not so much.

    What about offering a special field that one could put out 24-48 hours ahead of an event, (along the lines of comfort fields) that would automatically be planted with the first few event plants as soon as the event starts. This would work for the FIRST round only. The goal here is really just to even events out for people who have to work or who live in "awkward" time zones (with events starting at, say 2AM or some such), not to offer a continual boost. If there are 2 crops, it might be 10, if one, then 5 plots might be allowed. The plots would not turn into weeds during event, but if they are not harvested by events end, then they might turn into weeds (this would keep it from being abused by folks who just don't want to participate) or, the plots could be auto-harvested and "cashed in" like other excess event items (the plot would then revert to a normal plot, with all normal rules including weed or no weeds).

    Supergrow/manure and water would not be applied, because this is already offering a boost. Perhaps the suzy super grow (the one that increases harvest size) could be, though.

    These could be offered for BBs, though I think it would be a nice touch to offer a discount or perhaps a free trial for lower level individuals (those under level 40, in particular).
  2. labmommy30

    labmommy30 Forum Duke

    I can see how something like this would be useful. I live in a great time zone. I wake up around 7 or 8 in the morning and events are just starting. Losing 8 or more hours of an event because of that pesky thing called sleep has got to be a drag. I like your idea!