New, harvestable cloud stalk

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Apr 7, 2015.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    A lot of people are asking for sorted cloud rows and for some function like the harvester to collect all of the rows at once. How about combining those two ideas and creating a new stalk, one where people can pick which cloud rows to add. These rows would then be auto-harvested. This could be an addition to the harvester subscription, perhaps an expanded harvester function OR it could be its own function. I am hesitant to ask for more runes for the tree of wisdom since star awards have been so cut back, but this would be a natural addition to that tree.

    (note.. there are several ways this could work with out necessarily truly moving each row from a programming perspective. Basically, you would blank them out or deactivate them in the "home" stalk and then create a "go to" function for harvesting on the new stalk)
  2. -Mir85-

    -Mir85- Living Forum Legend

    I don't think there is any need for a second magical stalk, that would just mean one more place to go...

    Each cloud row could have an option for auto harvest on/off. Then the auto harvest could be activated by one click at the top of the stalk. Together with the possibility to rearrange the rows, it would be an immense improvement.
  3. Suggestion implemented, closing thread.
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