New refinements

Discussion in 'Game Strategy Discussion' started by -Mir85-, Apr 13, 2018.

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  1. Without Super Grow
    • Crop square - approximately 50% time reduction with water and manure, handy for increasing drops during events.
    • Raspberries.. not my favorite but works well with the:
    -"Berry effect Magic stalk row" which gives an additional 15% time reduction on raspberries +
    - "Septemberfest 2018 Magic stalk row" which gives an additional 5% time reduction on other plants.
    • Valerian (Lvl 175) - approximately 60% time reduction with water and manure, very good for increasing drops without super grow. Additional reduction with 'Magic Ticket Stalk Row 1' cloud row + 'source of life' and 'elixir of life' can reduce time to almost 75%. Only drawback is that it requires 5 slots for all the good refinements.
    Instant Crops (with Super Grow)
    • Roses... hmm.. never touched them since refining Carnation,
    • Carnation - a long time favorite instant crop replaced only recently by Crocus,
    • Iris - same reason with -Mir85-,
    • Crocus - again same reason with -Mir85-
    Moraine its not about refining everything.
    Refinements are made to cover specific needs, drops, tools, artesian items, stocking your barn, etc.
    Based on your needs you find the most suited plants to refine.
    And yes, there is an initial cost in plants, time and grey matter but the refinements are permanent.
    zerodegrees, -Mir85- and Mooboy like this.
  2. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Trust me when I say that will not happen on this farm xD

    I just find it so difficult to get a proper overview of what I might want. So I am being lazy and read what others like to use and pick and choose to suit my non existing need when I remember. In the case of & You never know + It may come in handy.

    If I'm lucky Raspberries will be done by Easter, not due to failed attempts but in lack of attempts.

    so thank you both for your inputs, it is very appreciated :inlove:
    xristos-ale3andros likes this.
  3. hatzeva

    hatzeva Forum Duke


    Long time since I posted a picture. Where has Photobucket gone? Hope you all see.

    Moraine, I just wanted to add my 2-pennies worth when it comes to Refinements. Mir and xristos has done a sterling job already!
    This is my Green house right now and it has stayed the same for the past couple of years. Raspberries as an over-night dropmagnet (8:23 with all buffs applied + with Melon magic +1 when harvest) Happy days!

    Irises are my "instant crop". With the Wooden mallet refinement I usually get 16-18 mallets/harvest.

    I love my refined crops and encourage all to refine!!
  4. Moraine

    Moraine Forum Demigod

    Awesome, Thanks Hatzeva :inlove: