new way to spin the farm wheel quickly

Discussion in 'Game Related Chit Chat' started by yusufça, Jan 16, 2021.

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  1. yusufça

    yusufça Junior Expert

    The steps are as follows:

    Step 1: Enter the farm you want to spin and turn the wheel on.

    Step 2: Press the F12 key on the keyboard (usually the keys F1 through F12 are in the top row). This will open the developer toolbar. Feel free to scroll down the part of the game until the spin button reappears.

    Step 3: Select the Network tab in the toolbar. Here you can see the requests sent to the server (and the responses to it).
    (For some reason, maybe if we can cancel, you can also press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + E.)

    Step 4: We need the ones that mean the wheel is spinning, so in the Filter URLs box, type farmwheel.sW (this command covers starting the wheel).

    Step 5: Spin one (in the desired mode, about this later). You should then see a new line for requests.

    Step 6: On this line, right-click and click replay XHR.

    The last step was to resend to the server that we wanted to spin, and with that spin. Another line has appeared again and we can resend it again. In that case, it doesn't matter which one we right-click on, because they contain the same. After a while, a couple will gather, so all you have to do is click in the middle and we can push resend.

    You may press the Edit & Resend button in large spins. No problem, click the Submit button in the panel on the right and you can continue.

    I mentioned above that you need to start the spin in the desired mode. This was about whether we wanted to do a Normal or Party spin. Be careful here, in both cases the spin is started using the above command, the mode is specified elsewhere as a parameter. So if you switch between the two, first delete all requests using the trash can icon on the left side of the Filter URLs field so that you don't start submitting a bad one.

    There are two disadvantages to this method. I don’t know how much you usually pay attention to what you’ve spun at times like this, but they won’t show up on the list on the fly unless you reload the game (and even then only the last 30 pieces).

    The other is that the number of spins is not updated in the meantime, but there is a solution to this. In the lower left corner of the toolbar, you can see how many requests we have already sent out in total, which means the same number of spins. So, for example, if we have 99 normal spins, then after the green button start and 98 resends, the number of requests below will be 99, we can go open a crate. After opening the crate, if we go back to the wheel, you will again see how much spin we have (this is because the crate opening was within the game and so the value could be updated there as well). In this case, you may want to do a delete with the trash can icon to reset the counter, and resend submissions can go again after a green button spin.

    It is important that the text farmwheel.sW is always specified during filtering, otherwise other things may appear, and then we may repeat requests that we do not really want. Everyone does it at their own risk!

    Finally, a video to show things.

    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    alpenliebe likes this.
  2. alpenliebe

    alpenliebe Someday Author

    Thank you so much Yusufca :D:D This morning I decided not to use the wheel anymore and let all the tickets go to waste
    but this is so easy and fast, thanks again!
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