offer AND alternative for quests/events

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by woody, Mar 22, 2015.

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  1. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I am one of many who have asked for a return of some older stables/workshops and various givers from prior events. However, its understandable that some longtime players are "underwhelmed" by these suggestions.

    Similarly, I am starting to understand why some people are feeling overwhelmed with the many cloud rows and givers they have.

    What about returning some of these things (even repeating some older events entirely), but offering an option of some kind of "consumable" good. It could be "just" EP (admittedly not necessarily all that valuable once yo have reached the max EP reward level), BEP, even a golden banana or two... or things like powerfeed, suzy spergrow, etc. I am not sure anything will completely satisfy some older players, but an alternative seems appropriate.
    d5aisy likes this.