FAQ Old Premium Removal - November 2016

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by Neon-Lights, Nov 2, 2016.

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  1. Neon-Lights

    Neon-Lights Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Q & A

    1. When will the actual premium be removed from the shop?
    The current premium feature has been removed from the shop with today’s update at 14:00
    CET (UTC+1) on November 2 and is no longer available via the in-game shop.

    2. Why did you remove the premium feature from the shop?
    We are currently working on a new premium feature and it was necessary to remove the
    current premium, before moving ahead with the new one.
    We will provide you further information about the new premium feature we are working on
    within the next couple of weeks.

    3. What will happen with my current premium subscription?
    Your current premium subscription stays active until it expires and you can use all the
    premium features you paid for until then.
    If everything goes well, we currently plan to provide an opportunity switching from the
    former premium package to the new one as soon as it is available.

    4. Are there any changes with the new premium feature?
    We are actively working on the new premium feature and we will provide you additional
    information about it as soon as possible.

    5. What's happening to the premium villa?
    For players who already have premium, the villa will remain and function as before.
    For players without premium the may no longer see the villa in the city

    6. Will I lose access to the park if my premium expires?
    Players who unlocked the park as part their premium package will retain this once their premium membership expires.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2016
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