Opening boxes

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by jesterruler1, Nov 11, 2017.

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  1. jesterruler1

    jesterruler1 Active Author

    The boxes should have a bar or something so you wont open them all at once.
    I am one of those who don't open my boxes as soon as I get them.
    And was hoping that there could be something done about the all or nothing on all the boxes especially the ones involving spins becuase sometimes I have way more spins then what I am allotted to spin but can not get those spins back and its not quite fair that I loose out on those spins.
    I know one solution will probably be along the lines as I should open them as soon as I get them
    but the better solution would be open so many at one time or something there you can put a number in like a sliding bar or like when you turn in animals or crops for some quests.
    Please take this into consideration for I am tied of losing my extra spins to the spin
    Thank you
  2. nlm24

    nlm24 Forum Pro

    I complained about something similar to this in the past.
    You are either clicking too fast or you have 1 each of a lot of crates. When you have more than one of the same type of crate the quantity option opens up so that you can designate how many of those crates you want open. The ones with the possibility of getting regular party spins are different than the others - they have a green decoration on the crate icon.

    Hoe this helps.
    Last edited by moderator: Nov 19, 2017
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