Optimizing Magic Stalk Rows

Discussion in 'Everything else Archive' started by Solatido, Sep 19, 2022.

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  1. Solatido

    Solatido Forum Master

    There are so many rows that, in the past, I just harvested them all at once. But I know there are some that are useful to save for certain events, etc. I know that I'm missing out on some great benefits and I'm trying to make better use of the magic stalk. Figured out:
    1. Progression row and item row categories can be harvested every time available without using buffs you might want to save, AND you get more benefit harvesting them as often as possible.
    2. In the buff categories (animal, plant & other), you can place rows in your favorites category that you don't need to save for special times (events, when you plant something specific, etc.). Harvesting this category will leave only the buff rows that you wanted to save in those categories.

    I wondering what your strategies are. Which rows do you find helpful to save? I would love to hear your ideas!

    P.S. I hope it's okay to make a separate thread for this. I find the general thread very cumbersome to look through and find specific information. I'm thinking that this might be useful information for others as well.
  2. MeadowCrossing

    MeadowCrossing Forum Overlooker

    I am relatively new to CRs and learning the best way to use them. Atm, I have 19 completed rows and harvest them individually. My current strategy is to mark all completed/harvested rows as 'favorites'.

    I read a comment by another player regarding how to harvest our givers and strategy for the best results. Their advice was to first go to the CR. Several of my CRs give a boost for givers and EP/TEP for everything. I harvest all these then visit the park/playground/etc. and harvest manually there as well, beginning with the givers that boost EP/TEP. Another player commented when using the harvester, benefits are given in the order in which the giver was placed and my understanding of this is that beginning with the first giver I placed, then the next, etc.

    I save some CRs to use for certain types of quests, especially timed quests where I have to harvest X number of trees/critters/product. I'm sure I'm not optimising CR benefits, but I don't spend too much time trying to get the 'perfect' mix.

    Thank you for starting this thread. I find ones like this helpful as it often takes me a long time to find things otherwise.
    suezoroc and sanddollar15 like this.
  3. -matselleste-

    -matselleste- Forum Duke

    With over 350 CRs I gave up a long time ago trying to use them carefully *I don't have the chestnut row, or I would pay more attention to that! I do mark, as favorite, any row that gives a crate, or straight EP, or anything else that isn't "harvest related" and when I remember, I do those twice a day, as many of them have a less than 12 hour time to maturity. I activate CRs first, then pet playground where I have recently gone through and re-set out all my pets, so that the ones with the highest % bonus go first, and then on down the line, so that when I harvest with the machinery, they harvest in the order of greatest benefit. Then I go to the park and to the lighthouse, where I have placed all the givers that don't go on the Pet Playground but give bonuses, such as when I open a Piccolo box, and I harvest those by hand, before everything else. I also make sure to use % giver item bonuses and dual EP/TEP bonuses every morning unless I am in a tremendous rush. Doing the % giver items took me from a maximum Pet Playground EP harvest of around 20 million, up to a maximum of 40 million. I am not an EP chaser, but we are given so many of these bonuses, and if I'm not using another enhancement that takes up a slot, why not? Sometimes I do the EP bonuses, do my harvest, delete them, because I have so many, and fill the spot with something else. I don't worry about trying to coordinate my CR bonuses like +1 on flowers, increased speed on other... because many of them are every 24 hours, UNLESS I am really trying hard to finish up a FSQ. The thing I like most of all about this game is that there are so many ways to play it. A player can focus on anything they want, and there is always someone to share their experience on how to best achieve that goal!
  4. dumbunny

    dumbunny Forum General

    Over a year ago, I finally started utilizing the Green - favorites - tab.

    On days when I'm in a hurry, I can just poke it and know that I'm only harvesting CRs that take 24 hours or less to mature.

    Also, the one batch of CRs that I always harvest by hand (beyond the ones I've favorited) are the ones that affect crops.

    It helps to know what's coming up, so you can save CRs that affect breeding until you need them for a breeding event, etc.

    I also have my crop/trees section organized by what they affect. I know I shouldn't, but I get a little miffed when BP changes the order on me. Have to rearrange. grrrr.
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