Orchard for Trees

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by writerrochelle, Dec 18, 2015.

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  1. writerrochelle

    writerrochelle Forum Apprentice

    For those of us who can't afford a Premium Membership, we sure could use an 'Orchard' for all of the trees in Inventory, not to mention all of the new trees created way too often. I've lost all interest in 'New Trees' since there is No place to plant them. I've removed many stables and decor trying to make room for trees, but I've grown weary from losing things I love to make room for more trees. An Orchard, Please!?! Thanks!
    farmingfreebird and sanddollar15 like this.
  2. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    I am not clear on why having premium matters for an orchard?

    I do know this has been suggested before, that a lot of people would like it.
    We did get the rain forest, (and the moonlight field means we no longer have to take everything from the main field every month).
    sanddollar15 and Arielh like this.
  3. writerrochelle

    writerrochelle Forum Apprentice

    I was referring to this post about comfort fields for our trees:

    "That way those of us who might not be able to log in everyday will get a better reward from trees, similar to the comfort fields for crops."
    tiageorge, Dec 12, 2015 Report

    woody Forum Ambassador
    "You basically already get this if you buy a premium membership. I realize that is not free, but one of the benefits is to be able to auto-harvest your trees, including 1 "back" harvest. (EDIT -- see below) Since that is one of the main benefits (along with unlimited water) that encourages people to pay for a subscription, its unlikely they would do this."

    It doesn't hurt to ask, but...​
    Last edited: Thursday at 5:40 PM"
  4. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Ah, OK, I understand now.
    writerrochelle likes this.
  5. farmingfreebird

    farmingfreebird Exceptional Talent

    I too would love an orchard. Urgently. A LARGE one. I would like to be able to accommodate both baha and mainland trees, and ALL of them at once. AND I'd like some space for the new trees still to be designed. At least ONE of every tree, stable and workshop SHOULD be able to be placed on the land!