Panda Therapy + Bonus Code

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 24, 2014.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Board Administrator Team Farmerama EN

    Howdy Farmers,

    From June 26th to July 1st, you are cordially invited to participate in our new event which is all about pure relaxation. This time a special guest is be dropping by – the physiotherapist panda – who among other things can give your animals a hedgehog acupuncture treatment and can wring out your sheep after they’ve come out of a hot, relaxing bath.

    To help you get the event started, the Team has prepared a special bonus code
    giving 333 Pandas !

    The code is valid until the 29th of June at 23:59 CEST


    Start: Thursday, 26th of June at 14:00 CEST
    End: Tuesday, 01st of July at 14:00 CEST
    event timer, news layer​

    The FAQ of the event can be found here

    Have fun,
    Your Farmerama Team
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