Party vs Normal Wheel

Discussion in 'Player Suggestions' started by kreso68, Oct 12, 2014.

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  1. kreso68

    kreso68 Forum Apprentice

    Its been a while since the new wheel system has been implemented, and I must say that it is really disappointing. I am sure that most of other players will agree with this opinion.

    When it was announced it was promised that it will include incredible wining prizes but usually this is far away from truth. Very frequently there is no point to even start the party wheel as the prizes offered are so meagre that spending expensive party tickets makes no sense.

    For example today's top prize on my party wheel is 4500 Baha EPs, though in parallel on the normal wheel the top prize is 4280 Baha EPso_O! So why to bother to pay 8 BB for the possibility to win almost the same prize without paying on the normal wheel. And then the famous XXL catalpa tree is even better not to mention, it makes me sick when I see it as a top prize on the party wheel:wuerg:. Also previously there was frequently possibility on the normal wheel to win really appealing prizes such as EP 50-200% increase or doubling the goods in the barn when they are collected. Now they appear from time to time only on the party wheel. Not to mention that frequency of seeing "famous singing flowers" is even more scarce, which appear after even a months of looking...

    The only thing I like on new wheel system is introduction of breeding animals as prize, but this is not enough to stimulate me to buy party wheel tickets that are btw ridiculously expensive even during the sale event. So I am patiently earning the tickets trough events and spin it occasionally when I found possibility to win something useful (mostly awaiting for "singing flowers").

    I suggest you to reconsider seriously the prize wining system and frequency on the party wheel as I think most of players do not bother with it at all, seeing that there is no point of investing their BBs, not to even mention their real money for such poor compensation.

    TCRooster, Arielh, heidels and 3 others like this.
  2. farmerumf

    farmerumf Forum Ambassador

    I agree. I would never spend BB on the Party Spin. I look every now and then to see if the 'flowers' are there but without much luck. I once saw XXL Catalpa Tree THREE times on the party spin wheel and a Chicken Egg farm. On the old wheel it was possible to win 120,000cc - could that now be included on the Party Spin. Very often the prizes are the same on both which seems rather odd.
    heidels likes this.
  3. heidels

    heidels Active Author

    ^^ Yes - I find the same prize on both wheels daily and it always baffles me. I save my won spins for the rare occurrence of a flower, but rarely spin for any other reason. I will spin for pink pens, but those are very few and far between as well (as I would expect).
    farmerumf likes this.
  4. Arielh

    Arielh Living Forum Legend

    I agree kreso68.
    I don't like the rewards of these wheels before they were better!
    babetoo likes this.
  5. kreso68

    kreso68 Forum Apprentice

    Thanks to all of you for sharing my opinion, and I'm glad to hear that I am not the only one complaining. Hope others will post also their opinions. Cheers!
  6. TCRooster

    TCRooster Forum Demigod

    Top prize normal - 4550 baha ep, top prize party 4550 bep - why pay 8bbs for it? And don't get me started on the goat dairy I won the other day! I have yet to see the new singing flower! Mind you I do like getting breeding animals, suzy and decent amounts of sg so it's not all bad.
  7. woody

    woody Commander of the Forum

    Yeah, I "won" a whole 4 tree fertilizer, not just once, but from 2 different party tickets :( luckily I won them, I did not pay for them, but still >:(